Zucchini bread keeps sinking - I need help with what to do
I have been struggling with a zucchini bread recipe for a few years. I make tons of batches of it, every year I make about 30 loaves of zucchini bread as gifts for neighbors. Everybody loves my recipe - but every loaf sinks in the middle. I have tried everything that has been suggested - changing the amount of baking soda and powder, how I add ingredients, how much I mix it, what shelf in the oven to bake the bread on, and the bread still sinks. I even changed the bread pan size this week and with the smaller pan, it still sinks. Can you offer any suggestions? Please???
Have you used an oven thermometer to check it's accuracy?
I know for higher cupcakes, I set the temperature 25 degrees higher than called for. After 5 minutes, I turn it down.
Another reason for sinking is the product isn't cooked through. Use the toothpick test before removing it from the oven.. Happy baking!
of walnuts and make in three mini loaf pans. I start testing for doneness at about 45 minutes, but they usually do go for about 55 minutes. I also always use an instant read thermometer to make sure the centers are fully baked 200 - 205 degrees.
I found a few more noodling around the web -
• overfilling pans (so dough rises above the sides, has too little support abd collapses). Fill with raw dough max 2/3 height of pans.
• b Soda weak or expired. Rrpkacecaftervsux months open in fridge.
• same for b piefer. Replace afterc1?year open.
Hope one or more suggestion works.
Should read -
* Replace [baking soda] after six months open in fridge.
* Replace [baking powder] after year open.