Beef Marrow Bones

I picked up a package of frozen beef marrow bones for next to nothing at the market, envisioning them roasted and the marrow spread like butter on good ciabatta toast with maron salt flakes and a little parsley or gremolata. That's the idea anyway - how do I get there? All the recipes I see call for boiling them or splitting the bone open (!) to get at the marrow. Can't I just roast them at high heat and go at it with a marrow spoon?

Burnt Offerings


Burnt O. May 13, 2011
Thanks Dr. Sara - no bones for the pups!
hardlikearmour May 13, 2011
The marrow bones actually get too hard when they are cooked, and dog's can break their teeth on them. When they do it is almost always a slab fracture of the upper 4th premolar (The biggest tooth on the upper arcade in the back.) In many cases a slab fracture requires a root canal (very expensive) or removal (not as expensive, but not cheap either.) Moral of story ==> don't give them to your neighbor's dog!
lorigoldsby May 12, 2011
Me too! (to both the confessional and the need to see what I'm sure will be beautiful pics!)
boulangere May 12, 2011
As long as this is standing in for the confessional, I've never roasted beef bones for anything other than stock and demiglace. I'd love to see your photo and hear how you liked them.
Burnt O. May 12, 2011
Wow lorigolsdby - coming from the winner of the infamous "Late Winter Tart" - I'm humbled. Actually, I'm humbled by just about everyone on this site. I've never made marrow bones before - just lusted after them. They seemed pretty straightforward, but given a crowd sourced website with great chefs and cooks, I figured, "nothing ventured, nothing gained", best to ask first. I gained plenty! And just this week I tackled homemade caramels and aspic! Candy making AND an updated, but decidedly old school technique in one week! I can honestly say I would not have rushed out to try them without the inspiration and support of Food52. It's very much an "out of the fire and into the frying pan" kind of community (pardon the pun), as well as a sink or swim aspect. I'm bowled over by the creativity, kindness, and talent of everyone here, and it's been wonderful to be welcomed and rewarded with said kindness. Foodpickle is a perfect example of this. Thank YOU.
lorigoldsby May 12, 2011
Burnt Offerings....I just want to thank you for posting a great question. I love that the cooks I'm a fan of and respect are willing to ask for advice! I think that being a good "foodpickler" is not just being the sage on the stage with the advice....but in the audience asking interesting questions! Thanks again.
sarah K. May 12, 2011
fyi, I'm no expert, but I've heard you should never give cooked bones to dogs because they're so much more brittle and can do damage. I have no idea where I read this, or if it's true, but it's worth investigating before serving up your leftovers to your neighbor's dog.
ChefDaddy May 12, 2011
Very Nice! I can't wait to see the Photo.
Burnt O. May 12, 2011
Pierino and Chef Daddy - THANK YOU - that's precisely what I was hoping to hear. They are very tall - about 5 - 6 inches. I was surprised to see them packaged 4 to a pack for about $6 total! I have only eaten them once in a restaurant, prepared in the classic fashion, and have always wanted to try them. I'll stand them up and mound the persillade around them and take a photo....YUM
ChefDaddy May 12, 2011
I just picked mine up for a saturday dinner and all I do is salt and pepper them and roast them like TB says. And served like pierino says. I only saw the tall bones (half or full length) in half and lay them bone down to roast. But the three inch piece stand nicely which are my favorite for presentation. Even the short, short ones that are usually sold for stocks are great rosted and easy to make interesting primal presentations.
pierino May 12, 2011
Hopefully they are fairly tall bones. The classic preparation calls for persillade; parsley, shallots and capers (although you could include anchovies too). Serve on toast points.
Burnt O. May 12, 2011
Nope - no bone saw here either. The neighbor's pup will be happy with the empties!
TiggyBee May 12, 2011
I would roast them at 350 for 15-20 minutes or until bubbly and scoop away. That's how my Grandmother did it! Of course, she didn't have a bone saw at her disposal, so....
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