Garlic / Onion Powder Set Like Concrete
I have a number of the skinny jars that go in the spice rack and not normally any problems. However, the onion power and garlic powder sets like a rock pretty much as soon as I've opened them. I usually have to end up smashing the bottle to get it out. Any 'hacks' out there for this? I'm very careful when I use it not to let it near steam or heat and I always us a dry spoon to collect it. Thanks!
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The only reason I tried them was because I have a strong inability to throw anything away, and first tried them in my salt cellar. Worked so well they now in the salt, sugar, garlic powder, instant dashi.
Hardening spice powders tend to be a result of a few things, most noticeably: moisture in the bottles leftover from cleaning and/or a poor seal in the jars lid.
I would first try to be extra sure my bottles were dry before filling them and tightly closing the lid. If you are being diligent about these things and there are still issues I unfortunately think it might be time to ditch those bottles.
Hope this helps!
- Justin from the Hotline team
Krystof - they’re little paper wrapped packets of drying material found in medicine or packaged foods like potato chips or cravv crackers.
Other idea uncooked rice packed in small piece of cheesecloth, closed with a twist tie.
When you use these bottles up, consider buying not POWDERED garlic and onion, but GRANULATED OR DE-HYDRATED FLAKES...
They give good flavor, some texture, and have less problem cakiing or hardening. (Still some problem, but not as much.)
Just not as much as the powdered stuff.
I’m going to start using the dessicators - thx again for the idea!