looking for a healthy turkey burger recipe!...thoughts?



G1G1626 May 21, 2011
I mix in diced spinach, some paprika, oregano, garlic... hot pepper flakes and I don't cook my turkey burgers all the way through (I used breast meat) because I want to retain a bit of the moistness... Or I can just add some good olive salsa!
ChefJune May 20, 2011
I prefer to grind my own meat for a turkey burger. Then I blend with sauteed onion and garlic, add some finely chiffonaded basil, salt and white pepper, and whatever spices I'm in the mood for. I bind a pound of turkey burger mix with 1 lightly frothed egg white.

It's really nothing like a hamburger except in looks, but it tastes great!
nutcakes May 20, 2011
I've always wanted to try Oprah's favorite one:
usuba D. May 19, 2011
Most of the ground turkey in the markets contains mechanically separate meat . . . not the nicest stuff to buy. If you can, try to buy store ground thigh meat for best flavour.
Sam1148 May 19, 2011
I don't have this one quantified. But the basic idea is grind the turkey. (I use a mini prep).
I mix in some lime juice, some bread crumbs, soy or fish sauce, a dash of white pepper; a dash of ginger powder; and my 'secret weapon' a bit of unflavored gelatin bloomed in water. The gelatin binds with the turkey and bread crumbs keeping it moist and replacing the fat you'd get from a beef burger. Dust with flour and pan fry.

Serve on a english muffin bun..topped with a slaw (carrots, cabbage, onions) flavored with lime and a bit of olive oil (salt pepper etc). A a couple of slices of 'quick pickled cucumbers'. The MomoFuku recipe is good--but I just wing it with vinegar, salt, and sugar and let it sit an hour or so.

Blissful B. May 19, 2011
This recipe for turkey meatballs is easily converted into burgers & is absolutely delish!

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