Pointy headed cabbage uses

I'm a member of a local farmers CSA and got a pointy headed cabbage this week. Any ideas on how to best enjoy it?

  • Posted by: CaryNC
  • May 20, 2011


teamom June 20, 2011
Re: Helen's All Night Diner,
Spitzkraut is NOT traditionally used to make Sauerkraut. It is used in cabbage slaws, cabbage rolls (Sarma/Halupki, depending upon where one's roots are), or an a-la-minute soup.
The leaves are very tender, and will disintegrate under vinegar/salt after a period. S
CaryNC May 23, 2011
FYI - The oven braised cabbage was phenomenal. It cooked low (325) and slow (2 hours) and turned out almost sweet in nature. The best cabbage I've ever had.
CaryNC May 22, 2011
After FAR too much thought about this I decided to do an oven braise with some carrots and onions. Simple as pie. I will let you know how it turns out. It's in the oven now. To be paired with a couple of grilled Nathan's hot dogs. Now that's an easy Sunday dinner.

I found the recipe here.
betteirene May 21, 2011
I grow Early Jersey Wakefield because it's done in about 2 months, and it's got a pointy head, bless it.

It's cabbage season in France, too, and here's a recipe that I hope tastes as good as it looks. http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2011/05/cole-slaw-with-wasabi-dressing/
Helen's A. May 20, 2011
Spitz Kraut! Traditionally used to make sauerkraut. Use in place of your favorite cabbage recipes. Love the way it looks, cracks me up!
boulangere May 20, 2011
Mmm. Lucky you. I like to add shredded apple or Asian pear to a good slaw.
GrapesNOlives May 20, 2011
A quick slaw is always delicious, from what I've seen this cabbage would be good eaten raw. I always make slaw with garlic, fresh lemon juice, s&p, olive oil and some dried mint.
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