my tapioca appears to have and mild suspended (maybe a small, tiny curdle), what did I do wrong and how can I fix it?



boulangere May 21, 2011
Oh, I imagine we've all had Lucy moments. Once more, Amanda, Merrill . . . . .
sdebrango May 21, 2011
Wow you still have the Cambro, wish I had kept the blackened soup pot.
Mine was a I love Lucy moment, when my husband got home I had a lot of "splainin" to do,
This was fun!
boulangere May 21, 2011
Yes, thank you sawbones for leading us down memory lane. And sd, the only damage was to my sense of "I know what I'm doing." When I hit 30 I thought seconds on the microwave, then stepped out the back door to the art gallery with whom I shared a beautiful old building, it turned out to be minutes. I still have the Cambro whose bottom was nearly melted out as a cautionary tale for students. :)
sdebrango May 21, 2011
I hope your restaurant didn't sustain serious damage, I think think I would be torn between "save the chocolate" and oh no my restaurants on fire.
sdebrango May 21, 2011
It would be a hoot! All this from tapioca, Sawbones glad your tapioca turned out well!
boulangere May 21, 2011
OMG!!!!! That multitasking will get you in the end. Yours is the ultimate I Love Lucy moment! So much more fun than wondering if you left the flatiron on. We soooooo need a contest around this!
sdebrango May 21, 2011
Omg, that must have been a sight, and alll that chocolate oh man, now thats terrible. I know how you feel.
I was cooking dinner my husbands (ex) parents were flying in for a visit. I was multi tasking, was making chicken soup, had to take my daughter to soccer practice and stop at the store for a few things I thought I had put the soup on simmer but it was on high, new house had just moved in... to make a long story short as I rounded the bend I saw fire trucks and I thought Oh no someone is on fire, as I got closer the ahha moment , Oh its my house, I came home to my soup pot in my front yard the blackened chicken a few feet away, my front door broken down and my kitchen soaked with water and blackened. Two good things I got a new kitchen and we went out to dinner,
boulangere May 21, 2011
I'm guessing you've got a lot of company. If only I had a photo of that smoke billowing out the back door of my restaurant as a several pounds of bittersweet and unsweetened chocolate and butter were burning away, set on 30 minutes rather than 30 seconds. And the smell. Took days to dissipate. One of those "I know what I'm doing" moments.
sdebrango May 21, 2011
Oh I wish I had a picture of my disaster, that would say it all.
boulangere May 21, 2011
Amanda, Merrill, what do you think? The details are fascinating and horrifying and so exciting.
sdebrango May 21, 2011
Now that would be an interesting contest.
boulangere May 21, 2011
Maybe we need a contest category for most spectacular kitchen disasters.
sdebrango May 21, 2011
Very good to know about the temps, never knew that.
sdebrango May 21, 2011
I actually set my kitchen on fire, embarrasing.

Voted the Best Reply!

boulangere May 21, 2011
I have a feeling your hunch is correct - you undercooked it at first. If you have a bi-metallic stemmed thermometer or an instant read one, be sure you cook it to at least 165 degrees, and 175 would be even better. Be sure you're stirring all the while with a heat-resistant spatula because it makes a straight line of constant contact with the bottom of the pan. I've had my share of adventures resulting from just a little too much multitasking. I almost set a kitchen on fire while melting chocolate (a lot of chocolate) in a microwave. Long story for another time. Glad your tapioca turned out.
sawbones May 21, 2011
Oh dear, I'm sooooo embarrassed. I was in a hurry doing 5 things at once ....for real. It had suspended particles like small curdles and I decided to cook it a bit further and it turned out fine. However, I don't know how it happened, milk too cold, egg not mixed enough, not consistent heat?
boulangere May 21, 2011
I think we're all trying to figure out what your question means.
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