w.Can I prepare preserved lemon or do you have a recipe for it?



sgoyette May 25, 2011
Also see the NYTimes series (with video): http://video.nytimes.com/video/2010/10/15/dining/1248068993504/quick-preserved-lemons.html
Doublell May 24, 2011
4 medium (about 1 lb.) lemons
3 tsp Kosher salt
1/2 cup white vinegar
Wash and dry lemons. Cut each in half. Cut each half into 16 equal pieces. Put in a bowl with salt and vinegar. Stir and cover. Let marinate at room temp 1-2 days. Stir occasionally. Store in jar in fridge. Rotate every once in awhile to move marinade.
AntoniaJames May 23, 2011
I always cut the lemons into quarters, lengthwise, sometimes leaving the quarters attached at the bottom, as many recipes suggest, but other times not. You can get a lot more lemons into a jar that way. ;o)
pat_dohaney May 23, 2011
Thanks so much folks for all your help. Greatly appreciated.
seabirdskitchen May 22, 2011

It does take a while, but so good...
nutcakes May 22, 2011
What time frame do you need it in? If you don't have the several weeks to make it the traditional way, there are several decent shortcuts.
boulangere May 22, 2011
Sure you can; it's very easy. Here is a link to a good method

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