I have a stand mixer with whisk attachment - will that work for this? I'm probably going to be making more than the recipe calls for (for a din...

...ner party). What about a standard food processor

petite cuisine
Old Bay Aioli
Recipe question for: Old Bay Aioli


Greenstuff May 23, 2011
Mayonnaise in the food processor is really easy. I was really embarrassed that I'd never noticed the hole in the food pusher that Mark Bittman wrote about last fall:

Amanda H. May 23, 2011
A stand mixer with whisk attachment should work just fine, as long as your whisk comes in close contact with the base of the bowl. In the beginning of making mayo, there's very little volume, so you need to make sure it's getting whipped. Definitely seems worth trying. Also you can make this a day ahead so you don't have to worry about doing it the day of and having an issue. I haven't made mayo in a food processor, so I can't speak to that.
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