What is a quick and easy recipe to make with pinto beans?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


susan G. June 5, 2011
From 1975, Diet for a Small Planet -- Authentic Chili Beans. Cook pintos with onion, garlic, bay leaf. Make roux with oil, flour, chili powder, cumin, onion, add beans and continue cooking. Season and serve. This was a staple at our house when my kids were little -- mashed, spread on tortilla, add veggies and cheese. Primitive taco bar style (before we 'met' salsa), and they always ate well.
SKK June 5, 2011
I love this recipe - http://www.food52.com/recipes/2341_borrachos
Merrill S. June 5, 2011
This is a nice simple recipe you can make with pinto beans instead of adzuki: http://www.food52.com/recipes/10476_simple_seasoned_adzuki_beans
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