A Quick and Easy Dessert?

My company has its annual picnic tonight and I'm working all day. I can shop, but have little time for prep. Any ideas for a quick dessert I can make in an hour (or less)?



David August 27, 2013
Wow...sounds great! I'll have to try it. There's nothing quite like the perfume of a ripe peach this time of year and with the amaretti cookies...yum
arcane54 August 27, 2013
I bet you're all wondering what I eventually brought to my office potluck... aren't you? Here's what I did: one sheet frozen puff pastry to the rescue (attempted to "quick thaw" in the toaster oven -- DON'T -- I could't unfold it). Roll out to about 9X15" and score lightly about 1" in from the edge. Crushed 8-10 amaretti cookies over the puff pastry avoiding the edge you;re created; arrange three peeled, sliced peaches over the crushed cookies; dot with butter, sprinkle coarse sanding sugar over all (more or less depending on your fruit). Bake at 400 for about 25 minutes. It was a hit! I sure do like all of your suggestions -- and will try them next time I'm in a pinch --- thank you Food52-ers!!!
Kate August 26, 2013
Any fruit (peaches, strawberries, blackberries are my favorite) with some cream (whipped cream, creme fraiche) and a square of dark chocolate. I often use Noosa Honey Yogurt instead of cream, too.
Jenna S. August 26, 2013
Love the crumble or crisp idea, as well as the grilled fruit idea. Also, I do love an easy strawberry shortcake: get Bisquick mix to make drop biscuit style, and have your strawberries and Cool-Whip ready to go!
Linn August 26, 2013
Agree with HalfPint. Fruit is a good way to go.
ELCookie August 26, 2013
Along the same lines, last night we had company and I made a plum, nectarine and blueberry crumble. Mixed the fruits with 2 Tbsps. of sugar and placed in buttered glass pie plate. Then topped with streusel crumbs -- flour, brown sugar, cinnamon and pinch of clove and butter. You can add crushed nuts or oats if you want. Baked for 50 minutes and was delicious.
HalfPint August 26, 2013
I recommend making a fruit tray with a sour cream dip. The dip is dead simple: 1 part sugar to 3 parts sour cream. Mix together, with a splash of vanilla extract. For the fruit, get whatever looks good. This dip is especially good with green seedless grapes. The only prep would be slicing up some fresh peaches/nectarines, washing some berries and grapes.
HalfPint August 26, 2013
Just wanted to add that as simple as the sour cream dip is, it's like 'crack cocaine'. Everytime I serve it, it disappears in seconds.
Aliwaks August 26, 2013
Do you have a grill? If so buy a bunch of peaches or plums or nectarines or all threes, cut them in half, toss them with honey or brown sugar and a bit of lemon juice (add thyme & black pepper if you think it'll work. Grill till soft and lightly charred then slice in bite size pieces.

If you don't have a grill just slice a bunch of aformentioned fruit + a few berries ( blackberries will work best) sprinkle with good amount of sugar and juice of a lemon (add a glug of peach brandy or a splash of wine if appropriate) and let sit. Then...
Put in a pretty bowl next to slices of the best store bought pound cake on a lovely you can get and some whipped cream or creme fraiche or ice cream.

or Buy a Pie, take it out of the aluminum and put in it a real pie pan, warm slightly :).
arcane54 August 26, 2013
Thank you Maedl, David and Aliwaks... I like how you think! Wish me luck...
David August 26, 2013
If you buy the lemon curd and pound cake at the store this comes together in minutes.
My other thought is if you can find some beautiful peaches to make a peach crisp or crumble where you basically sprinkle brown sugar, cinnamon, oats, butter, flour over the fruit and bake for 20-30 minutes...goes best with ice-cream (not certain if practical for your picnic)
Maedl August 26, 2013
A fruit cobbler is always good--right now with so much fresh fruit, it would be great. Use blackberries or some other fruit that doesn’t have to be peeled or sliced and that makes it even quicker.
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