What should I register for?
We're getting married (yay!) and will be registering soon. We're both adults with the basics, but would like to upgrade and get new, cool stuff. The websites that tell you what to register for seem geared to 20-year-olds. What sort of things have you received that have been really useful or have become "must-haves"? You're all so experienced with such good advice, and I know you can think of things to help make us better cooks or at least to make the time in the kitchen smoother/more fun.
I purchased a Vita mix. I use it all the time. It makes soup, smoothies, frozen stuff. it has a 2hp motor. It can make dry flour.
and I have to agree a kitchen aid. Everyone needs one of those.
Both the Vita mix and the Kitchenaid are made in the USA!
You also need to add smaller items to the registry. Not everyone wants to buy one thing or not everyone can spend a few hundred dollars. You want to register at few stores, but keep the departments to one store. so the kitchen at one store, bathroom at one store, bedroom at one store.
I wish you the best. and years of happiness!!!
I would add a few nice tablecloths and napkins, some copper pots (maybe a bowl and
a large saute pan), your favorite coffee maker that you wish you owned, a cake stand, I second on AJ's choice for pitchers, and various shaped tarts pan with removable bottoms.
I do rely on my KitchenAid mixer, pressure cooker (large size) and good pots, but I found those myself on sale over the years at excellent prices. As AntoniaJames said, crystal water pitchers are wonderful & useful. I used mine for entertaining for 19 years until it bit the dust.
For serving pieces, it's sometimes nice to register for two of a particular piece if you are serving at a large table with lots of people.
my favorites:
dutch oven
debuyer mineral pan
lodge cast iron
dishes i love and use everyday
food processor
rosle kitchen utensils
adjustable pepper mill
a few good knives (chef, bread, paring, boning)
have fun!
No one has said rice cooker yet. If you get a fancy fuzzy logic rice cooker (I don't know what that means either! I think fuzzy logic=magic!) not only can you have the grain of your choice waiting for you when you get home from work, you can have hot porridge waiting for you when you get up in the morning.
If you don't already have dishes that make you smile every day when you take them out, get some. Denby's stoneware is elegant, but not too fussy.
There were a few things on our registry that surprised me in how useful and beloved they became. One was a SimplyHuman kitchen garbage that opens when you step on the pedal but closes silently. Love that and think of my uncle every day when I use it. Also love the pricey but elegant dish drying rack that seemed like a huge extravagance at the time.
Finally, make sure your partner selects a few items. Too often it's clear that half the couple gave no input to the registry!
Bonne chance to the happy couple!
Those sound like perfect Thanksgiving place settings. Embrace the tackiness. What's tacky then is retro now. You kids will LOVE IT!
I love my inherited 'turkey' plates. They're single use really...only for turkey day.
Brown..with just a bit of color around some details...and big ol' turkey in the middle of the plate.
And love the matching platter..only used one time a year..and love it.
I didn't register when I got married 30 years ago - it seemed so contrived and greedy. What a mistake! People gave me things that were so wrong for me, it was hard to compose thank you notes. One of my dearest aunts hand-carried on a plane from England a china service for 12. My mother had told her my taste was simple and modern. She heard that as country and casual. The pattern she chose had brown cows, barns, and decaying leaves (and made by Wedgwood - how is it possible?). It was awful. If I had registered, she would have seen what I might have liked.
For items, I would have to say, I love my knives and my Le Creuset pans. Don't forget some really pretty dish towels, ask for a bunch & put them away for anniversaries, such fun!
A sous vide supreme. http://www.sousvidesupreme.com/department.aspx?deptid=3&gclid=CLXdyu-EyKkCFdMn2godkSMxcw
A Food Saver.
A GOOD picnic basket.
A mini-prep food processor.
Good Glasses of all types. (not just fancy crystal ones).
A big wooden salad bowl.
A Japanese grill for yakatori. http://korin.com/Base-for-Small-BBQ-Konro?sc=7&category=122382 (I want one---that's why).
First off, screw those big stores that try to tell you you *have* to register for china, plates, linens, cookware, etc ... register for what YOU want and need!
We do registries here at Whisk, and we're always telling our registry couples to register for what they want a need. A recent couple, who have been living together for years, have registered for tons of barware and bar supplies, and a few upgrades here and there for kitchen stuff they already have. Have you always wanted an ice cream maker? Do it!
Additionally, don't worry about registering for too many things or looking greedy. It's great to give your guests a lot of different options at many different price points. We've had friends of couples pool and get an expensive smoker - how great! In addition, most "good" registry stores will offer you a discount on unpurchased items off your registry.
This, just like your wedding, is just for you! Don't do things because you "have" to, and don't register for things you don't want!
A proper burr grinder for coffee is a good thing too; blade grinders work well, but are nothing compared to just having it come out perfectly ground every time.
Best wishes to the bride and congratulations to the groom!
Also, if you've been wanting some new crystal, now's the time to make that known as well. I agree about the suggestions above, just wanted to come up with some additional ideas. And Congratulations!