How do you discourage people from bothering you while you cook?
Not strictly recipe related, but important for the cook's sanity.
When I cook, I need the kitchen to myself. I need space to carry boiling hot water to the sink without risking burning well meaning intruders or having curious onlookers distracting me while the meal burns. I admit it, I'm a control freak in the kitchen. But I have trouble maintaining focus when people want to talk about whether or not it's raining harder today or was it raining more yesterday.
I either need the whole room to myself or if you are going to help, you need to be under my direct command. Otherwise someone gets injured (usually me cutting myself to avoid cutting the strange hand that suddenly dashed under my knife).
So how do I discourage people from being in the kitchen? How do you discourage them?
I tried asking nicely and telling firmly to get out while I'm working. It really doesn't work, in fact it has the opposite effect.
I don't feed tidbits (although people feel it's quite okay to steal them from under my knife... ug!) or any other treats until meal time. I don't want to encourage them to come a begging.
I have tried putting people to work. Fine, if you are going to be in my way in the kitchen, you can do this really awful job. I even go out of my way to buy make-you-cry onions for interlopers to chop (even when I don't need onions) just to try and reinforce the idea that the kitchen is for working, not hanging out or gawking. But they have caught on to the fact that I don't need onions chopped for making bread pudding, and simply refuse while standing in front of the cupboard with the raisins (and won't get out of the way!)
*pulls hair in frustration*
I need help finding a new way to keep people out of the kitchen while I'm cooking, otherwise they are going to go hungry while I go quietly insane in a corner somewhere.
Oh, and I'm talking about adults here. Kids know better than to awaken the 'Great Grump of the Kitchen' (me).
So what do you do in order to have the kitchen to yourselves? Or, am I the only one who had this trouble?
But thank you so much for posting this question. Like you, I have always wondered if I was the only one!
Drink that glass of wine and relax! At least these people care about you enough to want your company, right? Isn't that what cooking at home is all about in the long run? You are creating memories with people you care about if they are in the way and the meal doesn't look like Gourmet magazine, who cares? In the end, people will remember the meal as an experience, not a dish.
I'm actually pretty good with little kids in the kitchen. Of course, my friends kids are only about 2 years old, so they are still easy to distract with toys and stay away from things that are called 'ouch-hot'. I worry about when they get older.