A question about a recipe: Slow Roast Duck

Merrill - Do you have a weight/time ratio? I have a 3.25 lb. duck.

Summer of Eggplant
Slow Roast Duck
Recipe question for: Slow Roast Duck


Summer O. June 29, 2011
Oh I save it. And I sauté blanched green beans with sliced chestnuts in it. Great for a Thanksgiving side dish. And I do love the French fries in it. I'll add we have purchased duck fat before and rendered it but it's not as flavorful as coming straight off a bird cooking.
Sam1148 June 29, 2011
Be sure and save the duck fat that renders off. It's perfect for fries.
Summer O. June 29, 2011
Nope, duck is still in the freezer. Thanks for all of the help. I'll put it on next week's menu!
Sam1148 June 29, 2011
Be sure and crisp the skin well..to get the mallard reaction.
Merrill S. June 29, 2011
Sorry, somehow I missed this question! It may be too late, but I'd agree with inpatskitchen.
inpatskitchen June 22, 2011
I'm not sure if Merrill would agree, but I make a slow roasted chicken that cooks for about 5 hours and I think if it were the size of your duck I would cut back the cooking time by about 30 to 45 minutes.
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