Moving to a smaller place...what to keep, what to put away, what to toss? (not exactly a food question...)
Next Friday my husband and I are moving to a small townhouse from our rather large house. The biggest issue is the kitchen. I designed my current kitchen and it's large and well laid-out with lots of cabinets and drawers and a great pantry. The new kitchen is about 1/3 the size with considerably less storage. We chose to do this (!) so we've gotten rid of a lot of stuff, but I'm having trouble figuring out the kitchen. If you have a small kitchen with few cabinets and drawers, and no pantry space to speak of, what do you keep close at hand, what do you put away but have access to, and what do you give away?
You probably don't/won't need as many sauce pans. Try and assess how often you really use more than 2 at a time, and get rid of the rest.
I hung a pot rack from the ceiling of my 7 x 14 kitchen. It allows me to keep many more pans/pots close at hand.
Here's what I have and what I use a lot at the moment:
- magnetic knife strip on the wall (great space saver, you can always put a couple in different parts of your kitchen if you have a lot of knives
- jar on the counter with all my spatulas, wooden spoons, tongs, slotted spoons, etc. (less used items like rolling pin and salad tongs are in a drawer)
- in the most accessible places: roasting pan, nonstick frying pan, Dutch oven, stock pot, small pot for boiling vegetables etc., cutting boards, cookie sheet, baby cuisinart for fine chopping (food processor is on my wish list but I don't have one right now)
- in slightly less accessible places: tupperwares, mixing bowls, colander
- in storage or places I have to stand on stool to reach: extra stock pots or dishes that I have more or less duplicated
This being said I really wish my kitchen were bigger so it's not exactly ideal! But these are my essentials at least. Good luck!
Possibly the exercise in downsizing is to ask the question: What do I use every day, weely and monthly?
What a wonderful opporuntiy - smaller rather than bigger! I salute you.
In my own experience, much of my kitchen supplies stayed packed after my last move, and came out when I needed them, and if I could I found a place for them then. And i have developed some odd storage places... In a foodservice situation, I once managed and cooked in a kitchen with a 2 burner hotplate, a crockpot, a foodprocessor, plus a modest array of standard tools, pots and a skillet or two. Amazing how much good food we served from that kitchen!
Good luck!
In boxes elsewhere: madeleine pan (still haven't found it again, sigh), mini muffin tins, very large bowls, cake pans, the rest of the ramekins, assorted cake-making tools, large glass pan, extra dishes, grilling tools, etc.
Some things came out seasonally--one of my boxes was full of "summer" items and would generally get unpacked when the nice weather emerged. And remember: smoothies and soups can be made in the food processor if you don't have a blender (or have given it away). With this system, I still regularly entertained friends about 2-3 times a month and did part-time catering/baking out of my kitchen. You'll be just fine when the dust settles and you bake your first loaf of banana bread!