Traveling to Austin/San Antonio For a week. looking for good local food (best kept secret sort of thing) not found in tour books.
I worship at the temple of the BBQ Gods, wife not a big fan but wiling to indulge me as long as she can have an alternative. Anybody?
Recommended by Food52
As a former Austinite also, you will LOVE Blue Dahlia and East Side Cafe. East Side has their own garden and both are as organic as possible.
San Antonio: El Mirador, Rosario's, SoLuna, La Fogata
Austin: Takoba, Fonda San Miguel, Uchi and Uchiko, Mandola's
Breakfast tacos in Austin: order the Diablo salsa with your Torchy's taco, Juan in a Million, Tacodeli, Maria's Taco Xpress
Current BBQ white-hot spot: Franklin BBQ (they sell out by noon)
See it to believe it: Whole Food flagship store, with many dining options
They have lists, rankings, and a lot more information, with lots of bbq places in and near Austin. Also, they may not have Salt Lick in Austin on the list, but it is really good.