oregano is over taking my garden. why did i plant it? who knows. any ideas for it?

  • Posted by: @jestei
  • July 19, 2011


sara D. May 15, 2014
Oh - I forgot to add -- add generous amounts of garlic to the mix for chimmichurri sauce - maybe 1/4 the measure of whole cloves.
sara D. May 15, 2014
Argentine chimmichurri sauce for fish, steak, eggs, avocado toast, tomato sauce seasoning, etc.
Take an equal measure of destemmed fresh oregano and parley leaves, and grind coarsely in a food processor with lemon zest (1/8 o the parley leaf measure by volume), salt,hot red chili flakes, wine vinegar, and olive oil. This will last three weeks or more int the refrigerator. yum.
susan G. July 24, 2011
Here's one for the pot: "This version has a little kick and a big handful of fresh oregano because our oregano bed has gone bananas this spring" ... - aargersi
in her recipe for Ranchero Sauce.
cakillgore July 21, 2011
I've just put an email out to my neighborhood too, I have an abundance of Oregano, Sage, Thyme, Basil and Mint....I got six takers and clipped them all way back! Why not share our abundance?
There'sAlwaysPie July 21, 2011
I agree with the drying idea. You could even make some cute packaging for it and then give it to friends and family with your favorite oregano recipes as a nice gift from your garden.
amreiskitchen July 20, 2011
If you want to dry it try the microwave it is fast and fabulous.Spread stalks in an even layer on a paper towel , cover with another paper towel. Nuke on high for about 3 min. Watch the first few batches carefully adding or decreasing time as needed. Your kitchen will smell like you have moved to Greece! Also consider steak pizzaiola .Quick easy and oh so good. Roast chicken , lamb , so many wonderful dishes
aargersi July 20, 2011
The Perennisl Plate's tacos!

jenmmcd July 20, 2011
Chimichurri sauce.

And I'm thinking to dinner tonight, and on these hot nights when I don't want to actually "cook" anything, I'm wondering about making a Mediterranean-inspiried sandwich and blending up mayo, lemon, oregano, and maybe a bit or garlic for a spread...?
Kitchen B. July 20, 2011
Dry it, or use it fresh in this recipe, with pickled eggplants http://www.food52.com/recipes/7376_melanzane_sottolio_alleoliana
ChefJune July 20, 2011
Another vote for drying much of it. You'll be glad you did in the dead of winter when you have that lovely aroma to perk you (and your food) up.
sarabclever July 20, 2011
I think it's heavily used in Greek cuisine?
Panfusine July 20, 2011
@pauljoseph: I think oregano would flourish in India, after all marjoram is so freely available there.
they're related to each other!
Sagegreen July 20, 2011
Oregano and mint may take over the world...which would not be the worse takeover in the world. Lately I am riddled with Harriet the hedgehog by day and Rocky raccoon by night. They have just ravaged my garden. So my solution has been to containerize almost everything left and keep it very near my door where my guard cats keep a watchful eye. Basil and tomatoes I have to bring inside at night. I use tons of herbs on everything...and especially, for garnish, a-hem, not your favorite, we understand. When I bring flowers to friends for dinner, then I almost always mix in an assortment of practical and beautiful herbs.
amysarah July 20, 2011
Baked Clams Oreganato with lots of fresh oregano, garlic, parsley, breadcrumbs, olive oil, pinch of red pepper flakes, sometimes a little chopped tomato. I usually use littlenecks. Squeeze of lemon over top. So good.
Allspice July 20, 2011
Put some in a bud vase as a centerpiece.
nutcakes July 20, 2011
That's a good sized block of feta, maybe 3x4x2 and a small amount of tomato, but it really works, fyi. I think it is called Tom's feta dip and it is from one of the first books dedicated to garlic I found in the 70's. I'm pretty sure it is this book:
nutcakes July 20, 2011
Feta spread: mash feta cheese lightly with a pureed garlic clove, add a chopped peeled seeded tomato, Mash in, but not too throughly.Stir in a little olive oil and a handful of fresh chopped oregano. Let flavors meld for at least 1/2 hour (if you can.) Serve with pita chips or crackers or croutons made from a sliced baguette.

This is one of those treats that is more than the sum of it's parts. Don't overlook this one.
Sam1148 July 20, 2011
@pauljoseph. What are odds of Baggies of dried Oregano passing through customs?

pauljoseph July 20, 2011
Dry and send it to India here in India I am buying oregano for my Pasta sauce and pizza sauce $10 for OZ 2.5 (63grams)
susan G. July 19, 2011
I believe that you can tie a bunch of oregano to use as a basting 'brush' for grilling. Sounds like fun!
mcs3000 July 19, 2011
I haven't made this recipe in a long time, but I love it: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/summer-squash-gratin-recipe.html
Nadia H. July 19, 2011
You can also look at it this way: oregano is one of the plants that attracts pollinators even when it's not flowering. So it overall helps your garden (and your neighbor's) to be productive in an indirect way. If you have just one plant that is getting too big, I would cut it back (or spade deeply around it every few months during the growing season to sever the roots). And, cut the flowers before they set seed so it won't reseed itself anywhere else.
SKK July 19, 2011
Mail it to your fellow foodpicklers and we will take it off your hands! Panfusine is right on about drying it.
pierino July 19, 2011
Excellent stuffed into the cavity of chicken you are getting ready to roast along with a lemon of course. But you can work it into dishes like gumbo.
amysarah July 19, 2011
A Sicilian Salmoriglio Sauce drizzled over grilled fish is delicious - swordfish is classic, but you could use any fish you like. Also a good sauce for a butterflied leg of lamb done on the grill.


mariaraynal July 19, 2011
Go on a Greek cooking binge? Can tomato sauce? Oregano is a bit of a tough one.
aargersi July 19, 2011
I love my bountiful oregano! Roasted chicken, chopped over grilled steaks, rolled into pizza crust, of course anything with it's good friend the tomato. In chili, white beans (Italian Style), pinto beans (Mexican style). I also like it, OK sparingly, with cheese (maybe a ricotta salata or feta or even a milder one) and honey on stoned wheat crackers. In a marinade for lamb with red wine, rosemary and garlic. Um ... I will keep thinking!
AntoniaJames July 19, 2011
I'm totally with panfusine on drying it. Home grown oregano makes superior dried oregano for use in the winter. Also, chop a handful of it and throw it into a cucumber and tomato salad tossed with really good feta, red wine vinegar, olive oil and salt and pepper. Or marinate chicken thighs in the same mixture (minus the feta), with a bit of some other herb (parsley or marjoram would be my first choices, but winter savory also holds it own for this) before baking or grilling them. That would also work with paneer, for the vegetarians in your life, though I'd grill or pan-fry and not bake it. Or infuse red wine vinegar with muddled fresh oregano and a mashed glove of garlic. Or all of the above. ;o)
Panfusine July 19, 2011
shade dry it & store it
susan G. July 19, 2011
Yes, that happened to me too. Who knew? I was ripping it up by the roots and giving it away to people, with a warning. Could you make pesto, pistou, etc?
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