Best oil for making Mayonnaise ?

In Viking use and care instruction and recipe book Mayonnaise recipe they say vegetable oil which is the best oil for making Mayonnaise ?



ChefJune August 1, 2011
It depends upon the flavor I want from the Mayonnaise. I always start with 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. Usually I mainly use a neutral flavored oil such as safflower.
susan G. August 1, 2011
I have been meaning to comment on the use of the term "vegetable oil." All it means is that it is not from an animal source, yet people use it as though it means something specific. I believe that if you see it on a label, it is an indicator that inferior oils are being used.
pauljoseph, you can probably find rapeseed oil. Is that something you might use? Canola oil is bred from rapeseed (the word is for Canadian Oil), to eliminate erusic acid. Currently there is concern that the seed has been genetically modified, so I try to stick to non-GMO sources.
And then, some people use olive oil.
Merrill S. August 1, 2011
Sorry for the spam, everyone! We're still working to resolve this.
pauljoseph July 31, 2011
Thank you amanda will try with sunflower oil
Amanda H. July 31, 2011
I find peanut oil can be too strongly flavored. I'd aim to use a mild oil, so if your sunflower oil is mild, use that.
pauljoseph July 31, 2011
amanda and boulangere very difficult to find good Corn oil or canola oil in India what about peanut or sunflower oil?
boulangere July 31, 2011
Corn oil works well also.
Amanda H. July 31, 2011
I like using vegetable oil/canola oil, as well.
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