What is the best technique for grating?

I seem to grate and microplane myself all the time. It hurts. Is there some technique that will minimize this problem, or do I need to accept that it will happen every once and a while?

  • Posted by: LBurt
  • August 4, 2011


drbabs August 4, 2011
Try sliding whatever you're grating away from yourself in short strokes on the grater, and turn it frequently so you can readjust your fingers.

I bought the gloves that AmyW mentioned, but I've only used them with my mandoline because that's where I cut myself all the time. But I'm sure they'd work with the grater also.
pierino August 4, 2011
You can try wrapping a kitchen towel around your fingers but microplanes are pretty forgiving unless you are trying to get every last shred out of the object being grated.
AmyW August 4, 2011
We bought BladeX5 57100 Classic Cut & Slash Resistant Gloves from Amazon because my husband can't seem to use the mandoline without, well ... and I've also worn one when microplaining. No cuts or scrapes!
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