Angel food cake and pan

I wanted to make an angel food cake...but I don't have one of those special pans. Are they necessary?
And if I need to adjust the bake time or temperature?

  • Posted by: skittle
  • August 7, 2011


skittle August 8, 2011
Fantastic!!! I can't wait to give this a go. Thanks a bunch!
boulangere August 8, 2011
P.S. Figure that one batch destined for a tube pan will about half fill 2 loaf pans. Perfect.
davidpdx August 7, 2011
Loaf/bread pan is the way to go and I have done it often to make half recipes with available egg whites. Think about it this way: the exposure to the hot oven air in an angel food cake tube pan is about the same width and depth as a loaf pan if you mentally "unwound" the tube pan.
boulangere August 7, 2011
I often bake angel food cake batter in bread pans to carve into sheets of French toast. Bake time is about the same - until fully risen, golden brown, and firm to the tap on top. It makes divine French toast, and you can also layer two thin slices with a center layer of lemon curd, topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit compote. It also makes a beautiful base for "shortcake." Have fun with it!
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