I have three containers of delicious cherry tomatoes from the farmers market. what should I make?

Any great pastas with cherry tomatoes?

  • Posted by: CMTerp
  • August 8, 2011


sfmiller August 9, 2011
I like to coat them with olive oil, whole, sprinkle with S&P, and roast at high temperature (400 -450), either by themselves or with other vegetables (whole garlic cloves, red onion wedges, sometimes green beans or cauliflower florets). Cook until most of the skins have burst. Eat by itself or use as a pasta sauce with more olive oil.

Or if it's too hot for the oven, try pesto trapanese with cherry tomatoes, basil, almonds, garlic, and olive oil. A nice change from pesto genovese when the garden is pumping out both basil and tomatoes.

Lidia Bastianich has an easy recipe for it (I use at least twice as much basil as she calls for, myself): http://www.lidiasitaly.com/recipes/detail/853
Sam1148 August 8, 2011
Chop them in half into a 'salsa' with onions, lime juice, garlic, peppers.

cook that down until bright red. Adding more water if needed.

Then cook fish or chicken cutlets. (marinaded in lime and garlic). Using wondera flour or corn meal to fry up.

Go back to the cooked salsa and add a shot or two of tequila..more lime juice..and stir in soften butter to make a creamy sauce.

Serve over the fish/chicken with some fresh bits of chopped cilantro or green onions.
seabirdskitchen August 8, 2011
I like to do this - adapted from Jamie Oliver... http://seabirdskitchen.blogspot.com/2009/03/peppers-stuffed-with-tomatoes-and.html

la D. August 8, 2011
I like to heat olive oil in a saute pan until it's quite hot but not smoking, throw in a crushed garlic clove to infuse the oil for a few seconds, then remove it. For the tomatoes, I keep some of them whole, and I cut the others in half. Toss the tomatoes in the hot oil and cook for a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper. The tomatoes you cut in half will be oozing delicious tomato juice for a sauce, while the ones left whole pop in your mouth, which is really nice. Serve over pasta or enjoy as a side dish.
Meatballs&Milkshakes August 8, 2011
I've recently become a huge fan of burrata, ever since I had some at Eataly earlier this summer. Really good, sweet cherry tomatoes that still smell like the vine are perfect with burrata and basil over some slices of crusty baguette. Sprinkle some flaked sea salt and extra virgin olive oil over, and there's nothing better. My post on it: http://meatballsandmilkshakes.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/burrata-tomato-and-basil-crostini/
AntoniaJames August 8, 2011
Here's another favorite, which also holds well (though don't add the string beans, if you're using them, until the last minute as the acids from the tomatoes and dressing will discolor them). ;o)
sdebrango August 8, 2011
I;m with you AJ, thats my favorite also! A nice piece of Italian bread or a baguette and I'm in heaven.
AntoniaJames August 8, 2011
My favorite way to eat cherry tomatoes (other than popping them in my mouth, biting down, and enjoying the quintessential taste of summer) is to cut them in half crosswise, put in a big bowl with an equal quantity of farmers' market cucumbers that have been diced to about the same size, then doused with equal (small) amounts of red wine vinegar and good Spanish sherry vinegar, and tossed with a pinch of salt and a few grinds of Malabar pepper, a small glug of fruity olive oil and chopped fresh oregano and/or basil and parsley. If it hasn't been too hot outside, I also add a bit of fresh marjoram. (Hot weather intensifies the flavors of fresh marjoram to the point of making it too strong to use raw, except in the tiniest amounts.) I could eat this every day. It holds well in the fridge, too. ;o)
irinaleibo August 8, 2011
Pancetta, cherry tomatoes and ricotta!
TheWimpyVegetarian August 8, 2011
Roast them. Whenever I have a bunch of these little guys, I cut them in half, toss them in enough olive oil, salt and pepper to coat them (and sometimes add minced garlic), put them on a cookie sheet with the cut side facing up and roast them for a couple hours on 250F or until the tops are all puckered up. They make a great snack just having around, and can easily be added to eggs or vegetable dishes. Add a little balsamic vinegar at the end of roasting for a different twist on this.
Peter August 8, 2011
My absolute favorite thing to do with cherry tomatoes? I "melt" them in a pan as a side dish. Cut them in half. put them in a pan over medium heat with a little olive oil. Add salt and pepper. And maybe a few red pepper flakes. Stir occasionally. It's done when it looks and smells delicious. :-)
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