Which dishwasher?

I need to replace my Bosch dishwasher and am leaning towards another Bosch, but I've also seen an Electrolux that I like. Any ideas on preferences? Both are about the same price.



Sam1148 August 30, 2011
I'm ragging too much on the Bosh here. But I have my reasons, When ours leaked it caused our kitchen floor to buckle before it really started flooding.
When we were trouble shooting it looking for leaks---it seems they put in a 'dip pan' under the dishwasher to catch leaks. It's like they designed it to leak and knew it would happen.
My partner works on cars as a hobby said "This is why the British don't make computers, they couldn't figure out a way to make them leak"
Greenstuff August 30, 2011
I agree with Sam1148 about the bosch. When they're good they're very good. And when they're bad they're horrid. The last place I lived, I had one that seemed great. In 8 years here, I've gone through three control panels. Fortunately, my repair guy s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d the warranty, but now I'm on my own. He was optimistic that they'd improved the newest panels, so I have my fingers crossed.

Edit: oh yes, I've also had the leaking problem. I've developed my own set of fantasy rules to keep it from happening again. So far, so good, but I do realize that I made the protocols up!
inpatskitchen August 30, 2011
To Sam1148: Nope..I'm ready for a new one anyway...every other appliance is stainless..the dishwasher is black and before it "died" was making strange loud noises while running. Thanks for your insight though...
Sam1148 August 30, 2011

If it just 'died' it's might be the control panel.
If you look under the kickplate, you can find a technical guide..that lists error codes.
Usually you do a key press sequence to get it to cough up the code. If it's the pump, or mechanical; it's probably not worth replacing those.
If it's a 'stuck key' code. You replace the electronic keypads with a new unit.
A pretty easy repair--just takes a screw driver and a hex wrench. Pull the front of unit and put in a new control panel. A mom/pop appliance place usually has better prices than Sears for that part.
sdebrango August 30, 2011
The layout is very important and the fisher paykel has two sections one for small loads and one for larger. i'm sure there must be others with this feature also. Its great when you don't want to run the dishwasher for just a few dishes, very economical.
SKK August 30, 2011
I have had Bosch dishwahers and love them! My next dishwasher will be a Miele.
And I agree with drbabs about the layout - the Miele has a wonderful layout. How great to get a new dishwasher!
inpatskitchen August 30, 2011
My Bosch finally just "died" after 15 years and in that time period I only had one repair and that was on the handle for opening. For the first five years this dishwasher was running at least once per day, sometimes more when the kids were home..now it's more like every two or three days. And I always get the extended warranty ( actually got a new TV because of the problems with the first one I bought...glad I had an extended warranty)
drbabs August 30, 2011
If you're thinking of getting a new brand, consider how the inside is laid out and how you load your dishwasher. Some make more sense than others. I'm in a new place with a fairly old dishwasher and it has a ridiculous layout on the inside.
sdebrango August 30, 2011
I agree Sam about the Bosch, I get the extended warranty as usually the breakdown occurs the day the manufacturers warranty expires. Appliance repair on a whole is a nightmare and sometimes its better just to get a replacement.
mainecook61 August 30, 2011
The Bosch is SOOOOO quiet. I like it a lot and it has stood up well. You must use a rinse agent---you probably know that.
Sam1148 August 30, 2011
When Bosh dishwashers are good they're very good, when they break down they're very hard to fix. Ours started leaking after a couple of years (after warranty expired, as normal)...the repairman said they can be difficult to troubleshoot and repair. Sears give us a big discount for the trade-in. (this was about 10 years ago tho).

I'm wondering why inpatskitchen is replacing their Bosh? Did it fail and repair cost reached 'new dishwasher' levels?
sdebrango August 30, 2011
I have heard that Bosch are very good I don't know anyone with an electrolux, I like fisher paykel myself.
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