What do about little critters in a bag of flour?
This is from Sunday: So, I opened a bag of whole wheat flour this morning to make "hurricane" muffins because I got up early to walk the dog before Irene made landfall. There were some little critters walking around in the flour. My first thought was total repulsion, but before I dumped five pounds of flour into the garbage, I remembered reading several articles recently about eating insects. I used a sieve to get most of the bugs out of the flour and made the muffins -- a little extra protein? Is it okay to use the rest of the flour? Your thoughts, please and thank you...Ann
1. Keep dry goods in a sealed tub in the pantry
2. Freeze or chill dry goods at high risk of bringing larvae into your home (Ie. any high end, organic, wholegrain, low processed etc. Basically, the good shit!
3. Fresh and dry Bay leaves are a repellant to the Pantry Moths that lay the weevil larvae, spread them round
4. Pick up some Pantry Moth traps to minimize the swarms that descend during Summer/Autumn
5. Take a deep breath and realize that if you knew about all the things that have happened to our food along the way, or are lurking in it, you would never ever eat again.
Life is short, stress over something more important
I too am a country girl.
My experiences in Africa and Papua New Guinea have me aligning with spankit and SeaJambon. No need to be afraid. And protein is protein, if what you are dealing with is bugs. Your choice on what to do. I would have you look at your other dry items because there could be bugs there also. And clean out containers and shelves so you don't have this problem again. At least the critters were moving so you know you aren't dealing with mice! Thanks for bringing up an honest dilemma! The 98 people viewing this question sure means a lot of people share your interest.