A question about Borrachos: I have a pot of these on the stove right now. I had no dark or amber beer, so I used a German Weissbier.

Should I add something to compensate for the more mildly flavored beer? I'm not using chilies, but I did add two fresh bay leaves . . . . . The beans are an heirloom cranberry from Markethall Produce. Thanks, everyone. ;o)

Recipe question for: Borrachos


Sam1148 January 1, 2012
A 1/4 tsp of vegimite, or marmite.
phyllis January 1, 2012
Jenny confirmed when I had a similar question that any beer would work. I'm sure they will be delicious.
LLStone January 1, 2012
I made these today, too. And, since it's Sunday in Indiana and no beer for sale, I had to use the one beer left in all the fridges - Budweiser (my son was home for a couple of weeks, so I guess I'm lucky I had one beer left)! Anyway, the beans are delicious, even w/ a Bud.
The S. January 1, 2012
I'm trying them with pale ale--it was one of the must get rid of this beers in my fridge. :) Trying to decide from comments whether to add the molasses...
phyllis September 9, 2011
I was cooking up a huge pot at the same time!! I'm having 40 for a BBQ tomorrow and its one of my sides. I am not a beer drinker so got some amber from my SIL. I also added some brown sugar. They look gorgeous.
SKK September 9, 2011
@AJ - what time is dinner because I have just invited myself!
AntoniaJames September 9, 2011
Thanks, everyone. They are a bit lighter in color than the ones photographed by the food52, but oh, they are so tasty! I added about a tablespoon of regular molasses, and a good dash of Worcestershire, for the color as much as anything else. The cranberry beans were really fresh so they cooked up super quickly. They're also a somewhat sweeter bean than pintos, so I'm glad we'll be splashing on some lime juice before serving (tomorrow, with an herb and fresh corn baked polenta on the side). Great, great recipe!! ;o)
lastnightsdinner September 9, 2011
I think it'll be fine - I've used lighter styles like lager in these, and while you won't get quite as robust a flavor, you'll still get some nice yeastiness/maltiness from the Weissbier (and probably a nice citrusy note as well). As I've said elsewhere, these are very adaptable, and I hope you enjoy - cheers!
spiffypaws September 9, 2011
A German Weissbier has a totally different flavor profile compared to an amber or dark beer. I looked at the recipe, and I think that the beer you substituted won't hurt the outcome (I cook w/ Weissbier all the time because my boyfriend brews it-lucky me!). The only thing I can think of adding is maybe a little dark brown sugar.
EmilyC September 9, 2011
AJ -- Even though they're different types of beer, I'll bet you'll be just fine with the weissbier and won't need to add anything to compensate. If you when you taste it, you feel it's lacking some depth, you could add a very small amount of molasses. But I'll bet you won't need to do anything. Wish I had a pot of these on the stove right now, too -- yum!
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