saving tomato seeds

i have a very tasty cherry/grape tomato plant that was given to me. i don't know the variety name. i want to save some seeds and try to grow it next year. i've never done this. anyone know how?

  • Posted by: mcd2
  • September 11, 2011


Nadia H. September 12, 2011
I agree with mainecook61. If you take into consideration the time to prep the seeds and start and pamper the seedlings indoors next spring, only to get disappointing results, you are better off buying a grape tomato seedling again next year. A lot of the grape tomatoes are hybrids.
mcd2 September 11, 2011
thanks everyone. i thought of the hybrid issue, but since i don't know anything about the history of this plant, i figured, "why not try?" it's a red one, so not sungold and i like it better than sungold. personal taste preferance. don't know sweet 100. this one is elongated like a grape tomato.
mainecook61 September 11, 2011
Many cherry tomatoes are hybrids, like Sungold and Sweet 100. This means that the children might not resemble the parent. If your tomato is a hybrid, you'll need to buy the seed to reproduce what you've got.
petitbleu September 11, 2011
I recently posted a blog about this:
inpatskitchen September 11, 2011 has a step by step article on fermenting and saving tomato seeds (with pics!)
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