How can one tell if oil is 350 degrees with out a thermometer? Are there any visual tells?

Hot pastrami


Smaug January 30, 2017
The bread (or cracker etc.) trick is more accurate, but with practice you can get a pretty good idea by flicking in a few drops of water and seeing how it reacts.
Smaug January 30, 2017
Some oils do develop a sort of hazy appearance with a certain temperature, but I'm not enough of a fryer to read it.
Noah January 30, 2017
If you drop a grain of rice in the oil and it floats and cooks it's around 350
mrslarkin October 23, 2010
I'm with Mr_Vittles. The spoon trick works for me, but more often I will use the tip of a wooden chopstick.
Mr_Vittles October 22, 2010
You can also tip the end of a wooden spoon in the oil, if it starts to bubble around the tip, then the oil is ready.
anyone October 22, 2010
Nutcakes has it right. If you don't have a thermometer the bread method is really the best way. That trick is old and steeped in the history of culinary.
pierino October 22, 2010
But first, what type of oil are you using? Some have lower "smoke" points than others. Usually you can tell when the surface starts to shimmy a bit.
nutcakes October 22, 2010
when you think it is close, drop a cube of bread in. If it sizzles and browns in about that a minute you are good. If it burns in that time, it's too hot. But depending on what you are putting in, the food will cool the oil a bit at first.
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