what is this? We are guessing radish flower maker? http://t.co/uaLzE0iZ



mrslarkin September 26, 2011
Hee! Definitely!
susan G. September 26, 2011
If I see that license plate on the road, I'll follow you to pick up some scones!
wssmom September 25, 2011
So cool I am glad you found out what it is!!!
SKK September 25, 2011
So much to learn, so little time! Thanks for letting us know what it is.
mrslarkin September 25, 2011
Sorry guys! I should've set the ruler closer to the contraption. About 7" in length. The circular part is about 2" or so in diameter. It's got a spring lock thingy on the end, like on a pair of tongs. Upon further googling, I found it is a radish garnisher/rose cutter. pretty cool!
wssmom September 25, 2011
Perhaps an apple corer?
SKK September 25, 2011
Awfully big radishes! I see the thing that cores, can't see the back of the tool.
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