A question about a recipe: Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter

I have a question about the ingredient "Salt to taste" on the recipe "Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter" from Genius Recipes. I don't want to add salt to the recipe to cut down on sodium. Can you suggest any other spice or herb that would suffice.? I have lots of tomotos from my garden to use up.



sexyLAMBCHOPx October 10, 2011
My husband is on a low-sodium diet. I often finish with Kosher Salt at the end of cooking and eliminating any salt in the recipe for a salt taste. Thereare very good supermarket no salt spice blends by cuisine that could be used. Drdabs suggestion for sodiumgirl's blog is a great resource.
drbabs October 10, 2011
If you're limiting sodium in general, you might want to consider following Sodium Girl's blog. (http://sodiumgirl.wordpress.com/) She has great ideas for enhancing taste while limiting sodium.
ChefJune October 10, 2011
If you're on a salt-restricted diet, I wouldn't add any. If it's just a matter of preference, I'd use a pinch. (that translates into 1/8 teaspoon.)

A squirt of lemon juice would enhance the flavor, but tomatoes are pretty acidic on their own.
usingSpoons October 10, 2011
Replacing salt is hard - nothing else does the same job, which is to boost the flavour. I wouldn't skip the salt completely, but add a smaller quantity and taste it to see if you lIke the result. Another idea is to add a little vinegar - acid will also sharpen the flavor, but in a different way.
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