New site looks gorgeous, but when searching for a recipe, what are the differences between top and popular filters?

Also, are community picks what were formerly known as editor's picks?



Amanda H. October 25, 2011
Yes, although that may be something we'll want to tweak.
TheWimpyVegetarian October 25, 2011
My 2 cents: it was nice to have a time limit on it so that new recipes (and authors) could surface to the top instead of going on and seeing the same ones in the beginning all the time. It was a way to easily catch something I missed that others had noticed. But, I do like the fact you've factored in multiple factors in ranking most popular instead of just # of comments.
Amanda H. October 25, 2011
That's a great point -- thank you!
TheWimpyVegetarian October 25, 2011
Thanks Amanda! They seem to cover large amounts of time vs the previous 6 days, is that right?
TheWimpyVegetarian October 25, 2011
So are "popular recipes" the same as what we saw as "most buzz" on the former format, Amanda? I'd been looking for that, but hadn't found it. Possibly operator error on my end..
Amanda H. October 25, 2011
Yes, they're not exactly the same because popular recipes accounts for more user actions than most buzz did, but the idea is the same -- to surface the recipes that are getting the most traction with our community members.
Amanda H. October 25, 2011
Top recipes are recipes that either come from one of our columnists, or have won or been a finalist in a contest. Popular recipes are those that have had the most engagement by community members -- either through comments, views, or saves. And we renamed editors' picks community picks because the community is now doing as much picking as we are! Hope this helps.
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