Is there a place to vote for Foodpickle as a heading?

Am loving the new site. I miss the term Foodpickle a lot. I have volunteered for Hotlines that had nothing to do with food and the term does not bring to mind positive connotations; it does bring to mind life and death. Can we have Foodpickle back?

  • Posted by: SKK
  • October 12, 2011


Kristen M. October 13, 2011
Hi everyone -- we loved the name Foodpickle too (and still accidentally say it all the time!), but here's why we changed the name: As Sam1148 said, new visitors to the site had no idea what Foodpickle was (and how much it could help them out). Also, every time A&M were in a meeting trying to explain Foodpickle, they 'd get blank stares until they finally said "It's like a hotline to a whole community." We'll all miss the Pickle, but we hope you all understand why we had to open up its charms to the uninitiated.
vvvanessa October 13, 2011
i'm pro-foodpickle for pretty much all the reasons that have been laid out already.
lovesitc October 13, 2011
Maybe this should be a Food52 contest: FoodPickle or Hotline? Majority votes win . . . .
Panfusine October 13, 2011
I'm jumping onto the 'bring the foodpickle back' bandwagon.. hotline sounds sooo... common! foodpickle was such a food52 entrenched term..
sdebrango October 13, 2011
I loved "food pickle" it was innovative, quirky and really caught your attention. But I also like hotline, I don't think that hotline necessarily brings to mind a medical or serious personal connotation. I think that a hotline can be for any situation where an answer is needed, sometimes urgently. I think about the cooks asking a question that are in the middle of making a recipe and they mark their question urgent. A food hotline, imho say's it all. I would be just as happy seeing it go back to being "pickle" but have no problem with it as it is and think that hotline is appropriate. Thats just my opinion.
Droplet October 13, 2011
or "Salty Sweet Helpings"......
lovesitc October 13, 2011
I have to agree . . . . I understand that change is good and all, but my immediate reaction to seeing that Hotline had replaced FoodPickle was wanting to request that it be changed back! Happy to see that someone started this thread :)
Bevi October 13, 2011
I am in the Bring Back the Foodpickle camp. Hotline has a non-food connotation to it.
boulangere October 13, 2011
Seriously cute little guy, mrslarkin!
Sam1148 October 13, 2011
When I first lurked on the site. I didn't realize "Foodpickle " was the forum.
While I know old timers here know and like the name...I just don't think it's accessible to the masses visiting the site.

I'm not sure if "Hotline" is much better I first thought that would connect me to live the 'butterball hotline"; because to me A "Hotline" is one to one..real time chat advice.

Prehaps the normal website name of "Forum" would better as a description. Not clever or unique, but gets the message across for the casual user that visits the site.

Voted the Best Reply!

hardlikearmour October 12, 2011
I'm going to jump on the foodpickle bandwagon! It's quirky and interesting. I do wish for a site question forum, though..
mrslarkin October 12, 2011
hi hla!! there sort of is a site question forum. when you go to ask a foodpickle question, a few more boxes pop up below where you are typing, and below those are two choices to click on that say "This question is a: Cooking question/ A site question about" But i'm not sure if or how those are filtered, since all the questions appear in the same place on our end. I'm guessing it's a tool just for the editors to use.
mrslarkin October 12, 2011
Exactly! Hotline sounds soooooo generic. And I had the pickle tshirts made and EVERYTHING! haha. jk. we got that at last yrs Pickle Fest. BTW, that's my son James before his haircut last summer. Long live the Magic Pickle! Or not.
susan G. October 13, 2011
Love your son, love his shirt. Reminds me of my boys and their hair evolutions.
beyondcelery October 12, 2011
I'd vote to bring the name Foodpickle back, too. I understand why they'd want to change it to Hotline (it is more clearly what it's about), but everyone also understands what a pickle is in the context of problems. Foodpickle was making a name for itself! It also has the added "what's this? I'm going to click on it" benefit. So far, though, that's really the only thing I'm missing in the midst of a lot of cool design changes.
garlic&lemon October 12, 2011
I also would like the Foodpickle title back. I work in health care and Hotline sounds like my on-call work. Not something I want to do for fun.
garlic&lemon October 12, 2011
I also would like the Foodpickle title back. I work in health care and Hotline sounds like my on-call work. Not something I want to do for fun.
boulangere October 12, 2011
Yes, please! But I have a feeling that ship has sailed.
boulangere October 13, 2011
I'll take several size small, please.
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