Hosting a cookie/sweet and savory treat exchange in early December for SF Bay Area Food52'ers. Any suggestions on how to plan / organize?

It will also be a brunch. I've never hosted, or been to one before. It sounds like so much fun!! Do you have any tips, suggestions, things you wish you'd known before you hosted one, etc.? Thanks so much. ;o)



vvvanessa October 21, 2011
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SKK October 21, 2011
Here are some photos that vvvanessa posted on her blog on the swap she attended. I love the article.
vvvanessa October 21, 2011
thanks for the shout out, skk! coincidentally, antoniajames and i met there! i somehow managed not to get a photo, though. but i think we'll be seeing each other in the near future again!
mrslarkin October 20, 2011
Have each guest bring at least 2 dozen cookies, in addition to their potluck contribution. Make sure they bring copies of their cookie recipe, if they are willing to share! Pastry boxes make nice take-home containers, lined with wax sheets/tissue paper. You can usually buy some boxes from your local bakery/supermarket. Party/craft stores may have these, too. Holiday cookie tins are also great! Has Christmas Tree Shop made it to the west coast yet?? They've got great tins in all sizes/shapes.
vvvanessa October 20, 2011
i was looking through these pages recently:

martha has something to say about it, too:

maybe ask folks to bring smaller pieces of cookies for sampling because in general i think people just pack up cookies to take home without sharing them at the actual party.
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