Is it Meyer Lemon season yet?

Sarah Plumley


Helen's A. October 26, 2011
I have one in my dining room window in MA. I usually get mine at the end of the year. All greatest yield this year, expecting four! LOL
Gourmando October 26, 2011
I got some at Whole Foods in Rhode Island three weeks ago.
dymnyno October 26, 2011
I have a couple of Meyer lemon trees in my back yard. The lemons are still pretty green and look like they will be ripe in a month. But, I am at 2200 feet elevation in the Napa valley. Other spots may be ahead of us ripening.
garlic&lemon October 26, 2011
The citrus from California starts coming to stores in the West about November to late Feb., early March. I am not sure which geographic region you are in. South America is in Spring right now so they are not shipping citrus. Some fancy places stock hot house citrus for a longer season.
Greenstuff October 26, 2011
Depends where you are! In Berkeley, CA we can almost always find a Meyer lemon in the neighborhood. If you're thinking of upping your odds of finding them nation-wide, it might be a little early. But worth looking for if you really want them.
hardlikearmour October 26, 2011
I haven't seen any in the markets in Portland yet. I generally find them in the late fall to winter, I'd say starting sometime in November.
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