Can I use regular (not Meyer) lemons in this tart? I have no idea where to get Meyer lemons in Detroit

Can I use regular (not Meyer) lemons in the Lemon Tart with Olive Oil ( I have no idea where to get Meyer lemons in Detroit



inpatskitchen June 14, 2012
And I know that when Meyers are in season you can find them at Nino Salvaggio's in the Detroit area.
chefsusie June 14, 2012
Since Meyer lemons are a mix of lemon and orange: if you wanted a lemony orange slightly flavor I would use one small orange to the remaining lemons in a recipe. I have a Meyer lemon tree! They aren't quite as sour as traditional lemons.
Sam1148 June 14, 2012
They're a little out of season here. Even the wal-mart has them in Jan-Feb.
But, I have seen Persian lemons in Middle Eastern stores which have basically the flavor profile as Meyer (if not the exact same thing).
HalfPint June 14, 2012
This recipe does not specify Meyer lemons, just organic ones. So yes, you can use regular lemons.
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