If you could be in the kitchen with one professional chef, who would it be?

Just curious! I think I'd either go with Nigella Lawson-because she could make even a cardboard box sound appetizing with her descriptive words....or Jamie Oliver-because I love his technique and how sincere he is with cooking.

  • Posted by: skittle
  • October 29, 2011


Sookie November 17, 2023
Judy Rodgers - Hands down.
simplyreag November 3, 2011
I think Alton Brown would blow my mind
fyfas November 1, 2011
After either of our hosts say, "No Way !" I'd be happy to learn from Sara Moulton, Jacques Pepin, Suzanne Goin, Molly Stevens, Mark Bittman, Marion Cunningham or Bruce Aidells... whoever might - in a moment of weakness - be willing.
mensaque November 1, 2011
I forgot!!! I have to say Heston Blumenthal...It must be sooo much fun to do those crazy things,and he seems so nice to be around!And also Claude Troigros,a french cheff living in Brazil,you probably never heard of,but he is one of my favorites.
Sam1148 November 1, 2011
NATHAN MYHRVOLD, the authors of the Modernist Cookbook. He not 'on stage' in a resturant, but has his lab and reserach. So, you wouldn't be yelled at while they're trying to get dinner service out.
brontebrat November 1, 2011
Thomas Keller. He demands excellence and focus without screaming at anyone. And ph yeah, he's a genius.
TheWimpyVegetarian November 1, 2011
what a fun question this turned out to be!
creamtea October 31, 2011
I dunno, I hear some of these chefs can get pretty testy. My knife skills (or lack thereof) would be my undoing...

I did have a bunch of dreams when I first moved here, of cooking w/ the "great chefs". Alice Waters was one. Couldn't predict when the dream would next appear; it was on ongoing series.
Panfusine October 31, 2011
Michael Symon... For a hard core meat & potatoes chef , he's inspired quite a lot of vegetarian dishes on my blog!.. T'would be a classic case of Greek meets Geek!
TheWimpyVegetarian October 30, 2011
So many amazing chefs out there, so hard to pick! But Judy Rogers would have to be my first choice as she embodies the style I most enjoy. For dessert though, I'm going to have to with David Lebovitz.
JessicaBakes October 30, 2011
Rick bayless, Hubert Keller or Elizabeth priuett. Picking one depends on my mood!
Louisa October 30, 2011
Dorie Greenspan and David Lebovitz in Paris baking sweets.
jendooley October 31, 2011
Dorie Greenspan is on the top of my list. Had lunch with David Lebovitz and Patricia Wells when I lived in Paris - but missed meeting Dorie!! David's funnier on paper. I'd have to add Clotilde Dusoulier too.
boulangere October 31, 2011
David's hair is never the same color twice in person!
mensaque October 30, 2011
OOH-HOO! Road trip all the way from South America to Montana! If I leave now,I might get there before january,Boulangere! There may be trouble on borders cause I never needed a passport before,never left the country,but there's no time for "little details" like that,hahaha!Can Jaime Oliver come with?I'm seeing him this week,could see what I can do to convince him.
boulangere October 30, 2011
Pick him up and bring him along!
Scribbles October 30, 2011
I would love to be in the kitchen with any of the great New Orleans chefs: Danny Trace, Tory McPhail, John Besh, Susan Spicer, Donald Link....
luvcookbooks October 30, 2011
Nancy Silverton. I am in love with her books and her former restaurant and bakery Campanile and La Brea.
pierino October 31, 2011
Campanile is still there, run by Nancy's ex, Mark Peel. But Nancy Silverton "Undisputed Queen of Dough" is also a partner with Mario Batali at Mozza. Best pizza in the USA. And they have a new book out...
luvcookbooks November 1, 2011
pierino, I went out and got the book the day after release-- haven't looked through it too much yet...
want to go to mozza next time we're in la
Bevi October 30, 2011
Jamie Oliver. I love his energy.
kaupilimakoa October 30, 2011
David Chang, hands down.
lorigoldsby October 30, 2011
B-- count me in for Montana in the summer--I've always wanted to learn baking from a pro like you!
boulangere October 30, 2011
I've got you on the list, lori!
vvvanessa October 30, 2011
rose levy beranbaum or ferran adriĆ .
pierino October 30, 2011
Thanks to my friends at the now defunct Cooks Library I actually got to meet Ferran. I used to say that chefs don't create. It's all been done before in on way or another---and then along came Adria.
hardlikearmour October 30, 2011
Mine's not exactly a chef, but instead a baker and cake decorator. Mike McCarey of Mike's Amazing Cakes. If you ever want to be blown away by cake design check out his site.
cookinginvictoria October 29, 2011
I'm with pierino and lizthechef -- Thomas Keller would be who I would pick. Second on my list would be Suzanne Goin or Judy Rodgers. Hmm, just realized that they are all California chefs!
pierino October 31, 2011
Judy Rodgers has only one book out there but it is one that real cooks turn to all the time. She has done some brilliant things (as has Suzanne Goin).
susan G. October 29, 2011
Crescent Dragonwagon, creative and down to earth, a woman who has known sorrow and joy, who cooks with enthusiasm, knowledge and good taste.
two-foodies-we-r October 29, 2011
Bobby Flay
pierino October 29, 2011
No question ; it would have to be Keller.
amysarah October 29, 2011
I'd be with Patricia Wells, cooking at her gorgeous place in Provence...and then Jacques Pepin and Paula Wolfert would drop by to lend a hand and regale us with fascinating stories about their lives in food. It would be a good day.
Summer O. October 29, 2011
What a fun and baffling question! I would say Michael White or Jaques Pepin. I'll change my mind shortly. Right, Jose Andres as well. Crap, what about John Besh?
Lizthechef October 29, 2011
Thomas Keller, but I would be petrified.
Robin O. October 29, 2011
Rick Bayless! So passionate and educated about Mexican food. I love Mexican Food! Second choice would be Lidia Bastianich.
SKK October 29, 2011
Tom Douglas for his talent and sense of humor. Also, boulangere for her ability to teach with fun.
sdebrango October 29, 2011
Oh yes would love to cook with boulangere!
boulangere October 29, 2011
And I look forward to one day (and I'm perfectly serious here, my friends) having my bedrooms full and my backyard full of tents and cooks and the house literally perfuming the neighborhood with all that we cook up because I would LOVE to cook with all of you!
sdebrango October 29, 2011
Would so love that! I would pitch a tent for the opportunity to cook with you!!
boulangere October 29, 2011
Montana is a beautiful place to be in the summer. Yellowstone Park is an easy drive! Think summer vacation, my friends. I'm perfectly serious here. This summer in Montana, next summer in Provence.
boulangere October 29, 2011
Okay, so if I go ahead and designate a week next summer as Food52 in Montana week, when would be the best time(s) for anyone who wants to come? I have lots of beds, and 2 big tents, along with 2 dogs and 4 cats who will be thrilled with all the people to pay attention to them. I'm smelling a plan here. . . . .
boulangere October 29, 2011
And Nigella, Rick, Tom, Thomas, and Jacques are all welcome, too.
sdebrango October 29, 2011
Summer is down time for me, my business wanes from mid June to the end of August. i have lots of free time so I am definitely game for a trip to Montana. Have always to see it and I can't think of a better reason. It would be so much fun. Look forward to meeting Esme and the rest of the crew.
boulangere October 29, 2011
Ok, sdb, come January I'm going to post this as an official Hotline question and see what time falls out in common for the most. I seriously can't wait! I love nothing more than having a house full of people cooking and eating. The son and the girlfriend ("the one", I think), and the daughter will be here for Thanksgiving.
Summer O. October 29, 2011
Boulangere- I suspect if you organize it, we will come. I have never been to Montana.
SKK October 29, 2011
B, I am a standing request to come to Montana and hang out with you all!
sdebrango October 29, 2011
Now I am seriously looking forward to summer. This has the potential to be a really great time. Wow, just think about food52 converges on Montana for a cookfest. How cool is that!
boulangere October 30, 2011
Got you all on the list! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS!
TheWimpyVegetarian October 30, 2011
I think this would be just wonderful! I would love it! Say that, I must acknowledge that I know we have a few things planned for next summer already. But it's at all possible, I would love to join in!! I've wanted to visit Montana for the longest time now!!
Miachef October 29, 2011
Tom Collichio for his technique and expertise
Carla Hall for her creativity and personality
Neering October 29, 2011
Aye Bendito! Rick Bayless por supuesto!! He's smart, entertaining and makes brilliant mexican food!!

Voted the Best Reply!

wssmom October 29, 2011
Why, Amanda and Merrill, of course! :)
sdebrango October 29, 2011
Oh yes, would love that.
mrslarkin October 29, 2011
me three!
boulangere October 29, 2011
Oh, good on Jacques Pepin, sdb. In the no longer with us category, I'd love to spend time with Richard Olney.
sdebrango October 29, 2011
I would love to be in the kitchen with Julia Child but since she is not longer with us, I think I am with you skittle would love to cook with Jamie Oliver but I also could learn a lot from Jacque Pepin.
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