can you substitute powdered pectin for liquid, and how much would you use?
I have a question about the ingredient "Certo Premium Liquid Pectin" on the recipe "Spiced Cider Jellies" from thirschfeld.
Recipe question for:
Spiced Cider Jellies
thirschfeldOctober 29, 2011
I have tried the powdered pectin and for me the jellies didn't set like I wanted them to but that doesn't mean it wouldn't work. I think if you go to Certos web site you might find a conversion chart there, but I haven't been there to look, or even try sure jell.
HollowLegOctober 29, 2011
thank you! I found a jellies recipe that uses the powder, baking soda and water, so I will try substituting that for the liquid pectin. thanks for your help, and recipe!
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