I keep looking for an easy way to copy a recipe and put it on a word document, but end up have volumes of extra words. Help please.

I cannot take my computer into the kitchen with me. There is a recipe that I want to make.

bella s.f.


amysarah November 1, 2011
Yes, this is what I do - simple copy/paste, then delete any stray graphics or verbiage - much quicker than finagling with getting them not to appear. I also like doing this, rather than printing a recipe 'as is', because I can revise (e.g., break one long step into shorter, easier to digest sections) or add a note (e.g., from a comment suggesting an appealing addition/alternate seasoning.)
flgal November 1, 2011
You can either copy and paste section by section so you only have what you want, or copy and paste the whole thing and then go back and delete what you don't want.
Flacamama October 31, 2011
what is evernote? and why, when I try to block and copy, all kinds of additional stuff shows up?
JessicaBakes November 1, 2011
go to evernote.com and check it out. It's a web program/application that you can download on your computer, iphone, ipad, etc. that stores notes and allows you to tag them into certail "files." I'm with sdebrango...it's fantastic for saving recipes and accessing them across multiple devices seamlessly. I highly recommend it!
sdebrango October 31, 2011
I use evernote and just copy what I want from the recipe and paste it into evernote. You can probably do the same thing with a word doc.
Amanda H. October 31, 2011
Would you like to print the recipe? That might be easiest -- there is a print icon at the bottom of the toolbar to the left of the recipe.
bella S. November 1, 2011
Amanda, thanks for the tip. That icon hid from me until you mentioned it. Alright, perhaps I did not notice it. I like to copy recipes before I print them so that I can add notes that I have found that I think will be helpful. I also put the recipes into my "Recipe" file on our computer. Then I can add tips about making the recipe as well as our own review. I actually have a really wonderful system. Now, if I only remembered to use it.
Now it is time to choose what to make for a certain potluck that we are attending in S.F. Hhhmmmm...
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