favorite canned chicken broth

I know this is anathema to most people here, but I use canned chicken broth. A lot. I don't love the brand that I use though--any suggestions?



lorigoldsby November 6, 2011
I am a huge fan of homemade stock but I always have a box or two of the Aldi's brand "Fit & Active" because it is much lower in sodium, no MSG and is fine for a pinch. The Penzy's brand is delicious but I can't tolerate that much sodium--it is quite high.
ATG117 November 5, 2011
I don't like using bought chicken broth because of the issues I have with unethically raised chickens. So when I don't feel like making broth or subbing with a vegetable broth, I go to my trusted market and pick up some stock that they make and sell. I realize this is a more expensive option, but I suppose everything in life is a tradeoff. The other benefit, it's just as good as homemade if you get a good quality one.
brooklynite November 4, 2011
Thank you all. I know homemade is much better, but the volume of broth I use is disproportionate to the number of chickens I can boil! I also don't have much freezer storage space. Love the bouillon idea, but will also try the low sodium versions you all mention as well.
Niknud November 3, 2011
I used to use the Better than Bouillon, but have recently discovered Penzy's version of the same....waaay better and takes up less space than endless boxes/cans of broth.
flgal November 3, 2011
If you have a Trader Joes near you, their boxed broth is quite good.
rldougherty November 3, 2011
I primarily use Swanson's low sodium, but if Progresso low sodium is on sale for cheaper, I buy that and think it is comparable to Swanson's. I think making your own broth is great, but I live in an apartment have limited freezer space, so I do what I can. Personally, when I blog, I always list low-sodium chicken broth rather than homemade because I want to encourage people to cook, not put up what might seem like a barrier to the reader.
phyllis November 3, 2011
I use Swansons low sodium chicken broth (not soup). I don't always have home-cooked on hand when I need it.
wssmom November 3, 2011
I do use Better Than Bouillon; also Swanson's Organic Free Range broth (in a box).
wssmom November 3, 2011
I do use Better Than Bouillon; also Swanson's Organic Free Range broth (in a box).

Voted the Best Reply!

Sam1148 November 2, 2011
Swanson's low sodium.
Look for low sodium brands..they have to up up the chicken flavor instead of using salt.
IMHO some of the 'organic' brands are kinda week Swanson's is good for daily use. I think cooks illustrated did a taste taste and Swanson's (low sodium) won...over some higher priced organic style canned stocks.
Blissful B. November 2, 2011
You're right that you'll be getting lots of replies, trying to convince you to make your own. In a pinch though, I like Organic Better than Bouillon instead of canned broth. I'm in good company too, as the fabulous & famous Wednesday Chef (Luisa Weiss) agrees! .. http://www.thewednesdaychef.com/the_wednesday_chef/2010/05/index.html
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