How do u cook crab legs

a Whole Foods Market Customer


ibbeachnana November 6, 2011
Wrap in dampend paper towels or a dish cloth and heat in microwave for 1-1/2-2 minutes. I also cleaned a dungeness crab and heated it using the same method...that's what we had for dinner last night.
ibbeachnana November 6, 2011
We had crab legs last night and I wrapped them in a few layers of wrung out wet paper towels (normally use dish wet towels also wrung out) and microwaved for about 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. Mine could be easily bent at one joint so they fit nicely into the oven. Cleaned the dungeness and warmed warmed it using the same method.
SKK November 5, 2011
Open the shell, pour butter on and bake.
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