Editors, please help me to delete multiple recipes!

I wanted to add my recipe "Olives in a Nest", and kept getting a 'Bad Gateway' message. Thinking it wasn't getting copied, I persistently tried and discovered that it had been copied 10 times. Can you delete the extras for me since I cannot seem to delete a whole entry? Thank you! And thank you, Amanda and Merrill for a nice party last night at Delancey in Seattle! It was fun!



cookinginvictoria November 9, 2011
Those olives were the hit of the party -- so delicious! Agree -- that was a really fun soiree at Delancey. I loved making the acquaintance of so many PNW Food52ers, and it was great to get a chance to meet Amanda and Merrill!
thirdchild November 8, 2011
Thank you! Thank you! That was so embarrassing! And, there is still an extra entry!
Kristy M. November 8, 2011
Hey thirdchild,

Just so you know, I've let one of our engineers know about this and it will be taken care of asap. If this happens again, just email the editors account and let us know. It might be addressed faster that way.
Kristy M. November 8, 2011
Working on it!!
dymnyno November 8, 2011
Yes , please help her! Two whole pages of olive nests! Just think, someday you will look back at these last few weeks and laugh about it. And, what great stories you will have to tell about us.
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