Can I use pan drippings in my turkey stock?

I was going to make turkey stock today using the carcass, giblets, onions, carrots & tops, parsley and salt and pepper. Should I also add in some reserved pan drippings from yesterday?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


pierino November 25, 2011
This is one of the few times I'll politely disagree with Merrill. Because drippings are mostly fat I would be reluctant to use them. Remember that when you are making stocks you are trying to remove fats, not add them back in. I work through several steps in making clear stocks so I don't want to use drippings for anything but gravy.
Merrill S. November 25, 2011
Drippings will add great flavor to your stock -- best to remove the fat first, or your stock may be greasy.
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