The favorite meal you ever cooked or helped cooking...
...not only because of the meal itself or how it turned out,but because of who you were cooking for or with.
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...not only because of the meal itself or how it turned out,but because of who you were cooking for or with.
it was no biggy..but in the 'crunch time'. the gravy needed attention and I jumped in (to show my chops).
To finish up the gravy while she was dealing with other things. everyone loved the gravy..but the credit was was stock etc. It just needed someone to thicken it, slowly and incorporate flour/butter/stock in additions and pay attention to it at the 'end game' of serving.
As guest drove up we handed them champagne and appetizers and they went on a tour with the farmers. We had little nametags and people sat at picnic tables. Had four courses. We could manage about 50 people.
A great dish.
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When my daughter was growing up, I loved to bake with her.
And when my (now) husband and I just started dating, for New Year's eve, we made dinner together (I can't remember what it was, but it was great fun and very romantic) and watched movies. The game was for us to each bring two of our favorite funny movies. We both brought "A FIsh Called Wanda."