What are some yummy treats I could bring to a charity Christmas Tea?
My charity has a well-attended Christmas Tea every year with all the "tea fare" provided by the volunteers. In the past I've brought chocolate-macadamia nut cookies and pimiento cheese sandwiches, but I'd like some new ideas.
Recommended by Food52
are http://www.food52.com/recipes/14717_coconutlemon_macaroons by Syronai.
Hardlikearmour has pickled prunes that are amazing - I would never have thought of that recipe and tasting it was such a treat http://www.food52.com/recipes/9268_pickled_prunes
Thirdchild has an olive recipe that is incredible and I especially love them because they are baked http://www.food52.com/recipes/15003_olives_in_a_nest
and from 2010: http://food52.com/blog/538_oscar_night_refreshments