French Onion Tart
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63 Reviews
February 24, 2020
Overall the tart was great, but the crust was definitely the highlight. I served with a side salad as a light dinner.
March 21, 2018
I made this last night and we loved it - it's rich and comforting without being overwhelming. A few comments/ideas: 1. I used gruyere because I always use that for onion soup, and I think the nutty flavour was helpful here; 2. The crust is a little fragile but I just patched and squished where necessary; 3. I prebaked the crust for 20 minutes but should have stopped at 15 because it went a smidge over in the end, but because it's such a cheesy crust that's less disastrous than it might otherwise have been; 4. I added an extra egg because the filling would have been sparse otherwise; 5. I crisscrossed the top with anchovies and black olives, pissaladiere style, and loved that salty sharpness against the onions. As dinner in its entirety (just some arugula on the side) this is really four portions in my house and I don't think we're especially gluttonous...
Sara P.
November 15, 2017
Does anyone have experience adding additional ingredients to pre-made refrigerator dough
March 16, 2015
I was not 100% successful with this (was in bit of a rush and didn't let the onions brown enough, methinks), but I just wanted to say that the crust was EXACTLY like a Ritz cracker (but more delicious) and I found this pretty amazing.
January 4, 2014
What can I substitute Sherry Vinegar with? I just don't want to buy one whole bottle and rarely use it. Thanks.
December 3, 2012
I have made this (very similar tart) using a cornmeal crust. Also very delicious and adds an interesting texture. One of my favorite savory tarts!...
Patricia M.
November 1, 2012
I get Amanda's email every week, with great recipes, but i noticed just on this last
email that the right margin is cut off and sometimes you can make up the cut off words but sometimes i can't. Can you please see to it so that my recipes come in intact.?
Thank you very much, Tricia
email that the right margin is cut off and sometimes you can make up the cut off words but sometimes i can't. Can you please see to it so that my recipes come in intact.?
Thank you very much, Tricia
October 27, 2012
In making the crust in the food processor, can I just use the regular metal blade? I have an old one and can't find the bread blade.
Kristen M.
October 27, 2012
Yes, I think the regular blade is perfect here (or at least that's what I always use to cut fats into flours for doughs like this).
Manhattan T.
October 24, 2012
Is there ANY way to delete the numerous, repetitive comments here? I made the tart tonight and was annoyed, every time I consulted the comments section, by having to troll through them... I used about 2 1/3# of onions and cooked them, lid on then lid "cracked," for about 75 minutes (they never browned per se but developed that lovely texture of caramelized goodies). I used fontina (what I had on hand) and 2 eggs for a slightly more custard-y texture (which didn't work, but that was soooo okay) and a 10", removable-bottom tart pan. The crust was a bit fussy (using 3/4 c. WW flour, 1/4 AP) but totally delicious, as was this tart. Serve this baby with simple greens and you are DONE, my friend. It's fabulous.
October 10, 2012
This was delicious! I didn't have wheat pastry flour but I had regular wheat. I used 1/2 cup of that and 1/4 cup AP flour. Also I used red wine vinegar instead of sherry. Turned out great! Crust was easy to roll out without parchment.
October 8, 2012
So I added garlic and some nutmeg. Thinking of trying a cornmeal crust. Very good but found the pastry hard to roll out.
October 7, 2012
Amazing! The filling was delicious, with excellent texture, and the crust - oh my goodness, the crust! You're right, it is surprisingly delicate. Thanks so much, wonderful recipe.
October 4, 2012
This was delicious (urp)!
I used the last of the puff pastry in my fridge and sprayed it with Pam, then sprinkled it with paprika and a smidgen of cheese. I did that for about four or five layers. As for the onions, I followed the directions, but didn't add sherry vinegar (I couldn't find it at my local grocery store). Instead, when the onions were mostly golden, I used a can of Dr. Pepper and a tablespoon of white vinegar, cooking all the liquid out on high heat. I used the last of the Parmesan on top, folded the crust over like a package, and baked the requisite 25 minutes. I put a dollop of plain yogurt on top. With a few pieces of leftover roast chicken and some raw veggies and dip, it was the perfect meal. I am *so full* right now (hic)!
I used the last of the puff pastry in my fridge and sprayed it with Pam, then sprinkled it with paprika and a smidgen of cheese. I did that for about four or five layers. As for the onions, I followed the directions, but didn't add sherry vinegar (I couldn't find it at my local grocery store). Instead, when the onions were mostly golden, I used a can of Dr. Pepper and a tablespoon of white vinegar, cooking all the liquid out on high heat. I used the last of the Parmesan on top, folded the crust over like a package, and baked the requisite 25 minutes. I put a dollop of plain yogurt on top. With a few pieces of leftover roast chicken and some raw veggies and dip, it was the perfect meal. I am *so full* right now (hic)!
May 3, 2019
You made a totally different recipe walkie74. Not sure what but it was not this.
Queen M.
October 4, 2012
Yum! Can't wait to try this. Now I need to research gluten-free pie crusts.
October 9, 2012
In her book, La Tartine Gourmande, Béatrice Peltre mentions a few recipes of gluten-free crusts. Maybe look up her blog to see if she posted one of them over there. Hope this will be helpful.
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