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Red Pepper Jam!
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41 Reviews
September 20, 2011
I made a double-batch of this last night and it is so delicious! I am serving it with crab cakes at a dinner party Friday night. I'm glad it's so easy to share the recipe :)
September 20, 2011
Thanks so much for your comments on this recipe of mine! I'm really just so glad you've liked it so much. I made some a couple days ago to take to a potluck tonight and am thinking of making Jean Anderson's Sweet Pepper Paste for a contrast. We'll see how it all goes :-)
September 17, 2011
This looks fantastic. The color is amazing.
September 18, 2011
Thanks so much b! I gotta admit it's pretty yummy. And I did try it with your sandwich idea today for lunch and it was all such a great combo!
Fat B.
September 15, 2011
For anyone who wants to can this recipe for gifts or future use, process filled jars for about 15 minutes in a boiling-water bath, and test after a few weeks. Check other recipes for canning tomato products for other ideas (Ball cookbook, for example) and processing times.
September 15, 2011
Thanks so much, FBG! I'm still new to canning and wasn't sure if the vinegar ratio was adequate since there are tomatoes in it. My understanding is they can be a little trickier. I have a number of friends who have requested this as a Christmas gift this year and this will be very helpful information.
August 18, 2011
Congratulations on a well-deserved EP! I'm trying out a version of this in a few weeks.
August 18, 2011
Thanks Liz!!! Even though the bell peppers in it aren't spicy, the garlic and the cayenne pepper amp it up a little, so I know you'll want to make a few changes on that - but I'd love to hear how you and Larry like it!!!
August 18, 2011
This looks so great!
August 18, 2011
Thanks Sagegreen! Coincidentally I have some softly bubbling away on my stove right now!! Hope you have a chance to try it - I think you'll like it, and it has soooo many uses!
August 15, 2011
Hi CS, I made your jam, what a beautiful red; I used coconut nectar in place of the sugar(s). We had it with pork tenderloin slices on the AJ’s Cuban rolls…fantastic taste! Can't wait to try it with goat cheese...
August 15, 2011
Thanks lapadia!! Really glad you liked it!! I'm making some tomorrow.
August 15, 2011 husband loves it so much that tonight he is adding some to the kidney beans we are having as a side with turkey burgers :) I am sure it will be delicious!
August 10, 2011
I took a small jar to work and shared it with about 6 others this week. They all LOVE it and I have emailed a link to the recipe to all that have asked. This is the winner of "The Best Sauce EVAH!"
August 10, 2011
WOW!!! Thanks so much!!! You are all making me feel really good for going through all the peppers I did trying to get this right :-)
August 7, 2011
We are heading to the beach on Wednesday to meet up with family and we are so using your suggestion of crackers and goat cheese :) We've already sent a quart ahead and will be bringing another with us (because we know it the first one will be gone before we get there)! This is a genius recipe, IMHO.
August 7, 2011
I recommend that you plan to make a double batch. It's THAT GOOD!! :)
August 7, 2011
Awww....thanks so much borntobeworn. I'm just so happy it turned out so well for you!!! And thanks for the reminder of this recipe. I hadn't thought to enter it into this contest until I got your note yesterday letting me know how much you liked it. So, double-thanks!
August 7, 2011
!!! I missed this recipe !!! Love red pepper and love all ingredients you have used, so many uses for this, thanks, CS :) Saved...
August 7, 2011
Thanks so much lapadia!! I hadn't ever entered it in a contest before. But I had this on some lamb burgers several months ago at a nearby restaurant and loved it so much I needed to try to make my version. I liked it so much I just decided to post it. It's fun now to have it in a contest! I've lost count of all the uses I discovered for this. My favorite so far was as an appetizer with some crackers and goat cheese. To die for.
August 7, 2011
sounds easy, delicious and quick!! Thanks CS!
August 7, 2011
It really is, mrslarkin! I hope you try it - it would go great with some cheddar scones.....just sayin'.
August 6, 2011
OMG! I made a double batch of this today and it is TO DIE FOR!!! Thanks ChezSuzanne for all your efforts in figuring it out and sharing!! Mine is a little darker in color because I used red peppers from a friend's farm and they had turned red but still had some green in them (unlike grocery store peppers). Seriously, this is Christmas present worthy to give to others :) I'm posting a picture of mine.
August 6, 2011
Thanks so much borntobeworn!!!!! You totally made my day. Everyone I've made it for this summer has dropped huge hints that they want some for Christmas! So that's what I'm planning too! I'm so glad you liked it so much - and I love the photo!!
May 17, 2011
One more thing, just had some on a vegetable frittata and tonight having appetizers and red wine with the jam spread on Tiggybee's Homage to Eataly Bread.
May 17, 2011
Oh yum!! Thanks for the reminder of Tiggy Bee's bread - I want to make that this week for sure too!!
May 13, 2011
I had flu for 10 days and missed this, catching up tonight. This is righteous! Thumbs up!
May 14, 2011
Thanks so much for your comments, Liz, and for the thumbs up! And more important, I hope you're well on the mend now. There's definitely been something going around here too - sooo not fun. I'm sending some virtual chicken soup your way :-)
May 10, 2011
This is spectacular! Thank you for working with it and sharing it.
May 10, 2011
Thanks so much SKK! I hope you have a chance to make it. I won't tell you how many times I had to make it to get it to where I wanted it!
May 10, 2011
SAVE! YUM! I will make a batch of this for our memorial day burgers-n-dawg family grill-a-palooza!!!!
May 10, 2011
I think you'll really like it! It's soooo good, if I do say so myself. Let me know what you think!!!
May 9, 2011
Wow! This sounds awesome, and seems a perfect for lamb or beef burgers. Thumbs up, CS!
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