Make Ahead

Tomato Crudo

June 24, 2011
3 Ratings
  • Prep time 30 minutes
  • Makes a platter
Author Notes

Capreses banned from this contest but not tomatoes - way hay.....

Here goes it. Crudo means raw in Italian and this platter of tomatoes with select toppings is quick to rustle up and tastes great. Various other versions exist - courgettes, endless list really —Kitchen Butterfly

What You'll Need
  • 1/2 a small (banana) shallot
  • Sherry vinegar
  • 12 or more cherry (heirloom) tomatoes, mixed colours, washed
  • Kosher or sea salt to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced/passed through a garlic press
  • 1 teaspoon - tablespoon finely chopped parsley or your favourite soft herbs (cilantro, mint or basil, even shiso'
  • Optional, to serve - rings of black olive, burratta or mini buffallo mozarella balls
  1. Lay out a platter - round preferably. Plays up nicely to rings of sliced tomatoes. Chop the shallot finely, sprinkle with some salt and pickle in 1 tablespoon of sherry vinegar. Set aside while you prepare the tomatoes
  2. Slice the tomatoes a bit less than 1/2 a centimetre thick. Arrange the slices in rings, starting with the rim of the platter and working your way in. Then sprinkle with some kosher or sea salt and black pepper.
  3. Stir the shallots in the vinegar and add (to taste), the minced garlic. Sprinkle the shallot-garlic combination over the tomatoes. Let sit for at least 10 minutes (up to 1/2 an hour) at room temperature.
  4. Sprinkle on the chopped parsley over the top, just before serving. Accompany with suggested sides, if desired

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  • lorigoldsby
  • Kitchen Butterfly
    Kitchen Butterfly
  • Beautiful, Memorable Food
    Beautiful, Memorable Food
I love food and I'm interested in making space for little-heard voices, as well as celebrating Nigerian cuisine in its entirety.

3 Reviews

lorigoldsby August 12, 2011
beautiful and such nice knife skills!
Kitchen B. June 25, 2011
Thanks BMF - banana shallots are long bulbs (as opposed to round), and slightly larger than regular round shallots. One could use regular shallots or red onions instead. I'll see if I can find a photo of one in my archives to add
Beautiful, M. June 25, 2011
Lovely presentation! And I like your way of working around the caprese ban :) What is a banana shallot?