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Cherry Tomato Salad Sandwich
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24 Reviews
August 22, 2011
Hi Emily, I made these sandwiches over the weekend, and they were amazing. I didn't have any mozzarella cheese, so instead I put a thin layer of fresh goat cheese on the inside layer of the bread. I used a little more basil because I had a lot of it on hand, but other than that, I followed your recipe exactly as written. Wow, the sandwichers were so good. The sherry vinaigrette brought out the tomatoes' sweetness without overpowering their fresh and juicy flavor. The cucumbers added the tiniest bit of crunch and the olives added a nice, briny note. I could eat these sandwiches every day during the summer. Can't believe that I never thought of putting tomato salad into a sandwich -- such an inspired idea and a nice change of pace from the regular sliced tomato, mozaarella and basil sandwich. Next up, I will have to try David Tanis's version. Anyway, I am so glad that you posted this. I look forward to making this recipe again soon!
August 22, 2011
Typing too fast -- I meant to say sandwiches not sandwichers and mozzarella not mozaarella. Wish there was an editing feature attached to the comments, LOL.
August 22, 2011
Thanks so much for reporting back, cookinginvictoria...reading this just made my day! I'm so happy that you liked the sandwich. The layer of goat cheese sounds like a fantastic variation -- one that I want to try!
August 17, 2011
Yum! This looks and sounds perfect. I would definitely be unable to follow the last step ;)
August 17, 2011
Thanks HLA! That last step makes me wonder if the bread would get soggy after an hour...but I don't intend to find out!
August 17, 2011
Yum -- I love tomato sandwiches in the summer, and I often make them with just mozzarella, basil and a balsamic vinaigrette, but this combination looks and sounds amazing. I really like the addition of cucumbers and olives. And a sherry vinaigrette sounds like the perfect finishing touch for this sandwich. Must. Try, This. Soon (preferably w/ Boulangere's bottle of wine, LOL)!
August 17, 2011
Thanks CIV! I think I could subsist entirely on tomato sandwiches in the summer!
August 15, 2011
Beautiful creation!
August 16, 2011
Thanks, that means a lot! There's so much inspiration at every turn on this site and other good food blogs...probably explains why I think about food in the middle of the night!
August 15, 2011
I love the idea of tomato salad!! Yum. Makes me want one right now.
August 16, 2011
Thanks gingerroot -- I'm craving another one right now and I haven't even had my coffee! But I definitely think boulangere has the right idea...two sandwiches, one bottle of wine!
August 15, 2011
You are so right, why not tomato salad? I love this recipe and will be making very soon.
August 16, 2011
It seems so obvious, right? Please report back if you try it! It comes together in about 5 minutes flat.
August 15, 2011
A new favorite sandwich here - terrific.
August 16, 2011
I'm so happy! And congrats again on your beautiful summer corn pudding...I shared your recipe with my mom who's swimming in sweet corn right now, and as soon as I get my hands on some good corn, I'm making it, too (hopefully this weekend)!
August 15, 2011
This is just beautiful!!
August 16, 2011
Thanks so much! I love all of the colors and varieties of cherry tomatoes that are available right now!
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