Vegetarian Okonomiyaki with Homemade Chuno Sauce
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5 Reviews
April 28, 2014
Thanks for correcting me, I didn't check that. The Chuno sauce is drizzled with Kewpie Mayo in Southern Japan, Osaka-style, so all you would need is a strong spicy sauce for 1/4 of the topping.
March 26, 2013
FYI, but Worchestershire sauce is not vegetarian... (anchovies) However, Jamaican "Pickapeppa" sauce is somewhat close in flavor profile, its vegetarian, and is easy to find in stores.
susan G.
April 11, 2015
Kikkoman makes a Worcestershire sauce that has no animal ingredients. I found it in an Asian market, so it might not be generally available. But Pickapeppa is a great sauce, and adds a nice zesty note.
April 13, 2012
Thanks, susan g, I hope you like it. Yes, silken tofu. But either will work. I finally found some garbanzo bean flour and flax seed meal, but I haven't had time to try them yet. I know w.w. flour makes the batter a little heavier, so if you use a different flour would you please let me know how it works out?
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