One-Pot Wonders
9/11 Soup
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24 Reviews
February 6, 2013
Sounds wonderful. Good luck and I so much agree with you about measuring. When you write recipes you have to be precise. But real cooks don't do that. Well, okay you pastry chefs need to measure. It's kind of a left brain v right brain thing. Excellent thought in all of this.
I was just down in Gardena two days ago and had this outrageously great red ramen soup at the Marukai market.
Now, go and make me proud!
I was just down in Gardena two days ago and had this outrageously great red ramen soup at the Marukai market.
Now, go and make me proud!
February 7, 2013
It's a constant dilemma for me in writing recipes. Yes, we pastry people need to be precise, but I'm equally relieved when I don't have to be. It perplexes me in teaching classes when there is someone whose hand is continually in the air, asking exactly how much of something I added. I sometimes even ask if they measure each and every ingredient precisely, and often get a look of "of course!" in return. I treat those people gently because I think they either are not intuitive cooks, or don't trust their own judgement or sense of taste - thinking of food as how it does taste as a result of following a recipe to the letter, rather than how it might or should or could taste based on their own preferences.
Red ramen sounds pretty divine. One of these days my sister & I are going to meet up in LA, where her son is at UCLA, and I hope I'll have a chance to meet you in person. I'd love to go grocery and condiment shopping with you. Thanks for your generous words.
Red ramen sounds pretty divine. One of these days my sister & I are going to meet up in LA, where her son is at UCLA, and I hope I'll have a chance to meet you in person. I'd love to go grocery and condiment shopping with you. Thanks for your generous words.
February 8, 2013
I agree with this for cooking, but when I'm baking, unless we're talking flavorings, filling for a pie ,or something less precise, I usually measure accurately. When do you veer from formula while baking?
February 26, 2013
nah, it's just that confidence that comes with experience, like anything else.
February 6, 2013
Aaaah! Looking forward to trying this soup. Reading the headnote took me back to that trying day. Don't think even this would have made a dent after running from City Hall to Houston Street....
February 6, 2013
I hope you enjoy it. In the intervening time, the day has gone back to belonging to my sister.
February 6, 2013
Like the head note and the recipe. Perfect for a tired weekday if you have the stock ready. :))
February 5, 2013
I neglected to mention that it should be served with a wedge of lime to complete the flavor profile . . . and final nudge towards one's own preferred blend.
February 5, 2013
I'd love a cup of his comfort brew right now. Seems perfect to adapt to a vegetarian broth!. with strands of the noodles dripping down my chin!
February 5, 2013
Great prose and delicious sounding soup...I want to noisily slurp some now.
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