
Spinach-Radish-Hearts of Palm-Avocado Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

February 16, 2013
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  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Here's a quick recipe for a spinach salad, using hearts of palms, radishes and smokey bacon bits.... I'm sure there are tons of recipes like this, nothing here will make cuisine history, but I just grabbed a few things at the store and made this about 10 minutes. Using lemon or lime as a replacement acid for the vinaigrette gives it a nice clean and bright finish. Enjoy! —thatothercook

  • 4 spicy fresh crunchy radishes
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 4 hearts of palms from a can
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan shavings
  • 2 pinches Maldon Salt
  • 1 tablespoon Lime Juice
  • 2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 tablespoons crispy bacon bits
  1. slice radishes in rounds about 1/4 inch thick.
  2. slice hearts in 1/2 inch batons, or whatever size you prefer.
  3. Mix using hands: spinach with some olive oil, salt and lime juice.
  4. you can add some parmesan shavings as well and keep mixing.
  5. add the hearts, and the radishes to the bowl and mix as well.
  6. Add the avocado slices.
  7. Add bacon bits.
  8. drizzle some olive oil over it
  9. Add parmesan shavings.
  10. Add salt to taste

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