Grilled Calf's or Beef Liver Served With A Famous Romanian Sauce Mujdei
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12 Reviews
May 7, 2013
Oh my, this sounds wonderful! Never thought of grilling liver, but why not?
May 7, 2013
Thank you ChefJune! If you like crispy and browned meat, but still pink and juicy inside, it is a dish for your to try.
May 7, 2013
Thanks QueenSashy! Coming from Eastern Europe, I am sure you know many wonderful dishes prepared from offal.
May 7, 2013
Anything offal is mighty fine with me. I had a bowl of menudo for a late night dinner yesterday.
May 7, 2013
Where I come from, any part of the animal is used as long as it is very fresh and prepared with love, pleasure and knowledge. Thanks a lot for the comment pierino!
May 7, 2013
Kukla my personal approach to eating anything animal is this; if an animal is going to die for your dinner you should be willing to eat every edible part including the ears, tail, blood, snout and the nasty stuff inside. You owe it to the creature that died for you. God didn't put meat in cute little foam trays.
May 7, 2013
This weekend, I got hold of the most beautiful pair of lamb kidneys, courtesy of my friends who hate offal. Yay! So, I kind of like people who say YAK.
May 7, 2013
I am with you pierino a 120%!!! How tender and delicious is beef or veal tongue, just boiled in a flavorful broth and served cold, sliced not very thin and served with a simple horseradish or mustard sauce. One of my husbands’ favorite dish is Hash or Khash. It is an Armenian National Man’s Cow’s hoof soup, which is barely simmering the whole knight on the stove and eaten as an early breakfast hot with a shot of very cold vodka. This soup is so good and in moderation is so healthy because of the amount of collagen, that you won’t need any supplements for your joints. And so many more great dishes made from heart, kidneys and lungs. Oh, and I also make a scrumptious spread from cow’s brains.
May 7, 2013
I like to fill Pirogues with a combination of cooked with veggies and spices heart, kidneys and lungs ground with a lot of caramelized onions, hard boiled eggs and some good broth to keep it moist.
May 8, 2013
Good luck. I hope it turns out to be a Community Pick because I'd love to test it.
May 8, 2013
I’ll be thrilled to hear your opinion pierino, even if the recipe isn’t chosen as a Community Pick!
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