Make Ahead

Pickled Strawberry Jam

June 15, 2021
4 Ratings
Photo by James Ransom
  • Makes 3 cups
What You'll Need
  • 1 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1 tablespoon powdered pectin
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups strawberries, hulled
  • 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
  • 5 pieces coriander seeds
  • 1 piece cardamom pod
  1. In a bowl, whisk the sugar, pectin, and salt to combine. If a seedless jam is desired, purée the berries in a blender and strain through a fine-meshed sieve. Otherwise, leave them whole, or cut large ones into quarters.
  2. In a medium saucepan, combine the sherry vinegar, rice wine vinegar, coriander, and cardamom. Bring to a boil over medium heat, and immediately remove from heat. Remove and discard the coriander seeds and cardamom.
  3. Return the saucepan to medium heat and add the sugar mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until blended; it will be dry at first. Add the strawberries or strawberry purée, and continue to stir, crushing the berries with the spoon, until the mixture is liquefied and comes to a boil. Continue to boil, stirring constantly, until thickened, about 3 minutes.
  4. Pour the jam into a heat-proof bowl and let cool completely. Store it, covered, in the refrigerator. The jam can also be frozen for up to six months.

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  • Celia Rodee
    Celia Rodee
  • rose mccroskey
    rose mccroskey
  • maya
  • golddeer
  • vivianellen
I'm a homey cook meets a formally trained pastry chef. I love to smile, I love to work hard, I love to eat! I opened Milk Bar nearly 5 years ago and have never looked back...

16 Reviews

Celia R. February 6, 2023
I love love love this recipe and I am not even a jam or jelly lover, BUT, the depth of flavor from the 'pickling' (Rice Vinegar, Sherry Vinegar, Cardamon Pod, Coriander seeds) just makes this flavor go WOWSA, especially on an english muffin, or dolloped on a scone. I will say though, do not go by the 3 minutes suggestion in the recipe directions. I have made this several times. The first time was too liquidy (because DUH, I only boiled it for 3 minutes). The subsequent times worked beautifully and the jam 'set' after I boiled the mixture until my candy thermometer reached a full 220 degrees as another reviewer @golddeer suggested (NOT 218 or 219 which it hovered at for several minutes). It took me ~ 20 minutes for it to reduce and gel the appropriate consistency. THIS is a keeper!
rose M. June 15, 2021
I made this yesterday and it might be my new favourite strawberry jam recipe. I used about half of the amount of salt and I think it might be better with a smaller amount.
maya May 26, 2015
this jam is amazing. made w/ 1.5c sugar and added the pectin mixture only after bringing chopped strawbs to a boil. it set beautifully and i'm now enjoying it slathered on some homemade potato rolls. pic:
Linda June 13, 2014
I know this recipe was originally posted a year ago. Is Christina Tosi available to solve the cardamom conundrum?
Liz June 3, 2014
Does anyone have recommendations for swapping out the pectin -- it would probably prevent the right amount of setting from happening, right?
golddeer June 3, 2014
If you leave out the pectin it will be a much runnier jam, more like a preserve. Some people like that kind of texture though so it's totally up to you!
golddeer March 17, 2014
I made this jam and it turned out perfectly; I tripled the amounts, boiled it to 220 degrees and it processed it in half-pint jars (3x recipes yielded eight half-pint jars). The strawberry & vinegar combo is amazing - thanks for a great recipe!
vivianellen June 24, 2013
i made the pickled strawberry jam recipe and it still looks as though as it won't fully 'gel'? i followed the recipe but don't know if there was some technique i was missing. any ideas?
golddeer March 17, 2014
Time is not usually a good indicator for jam set so perhaps you didn't cook it long enough. Try again and bring it up to 220 degrees (this took me about 15-20 min, i.e. much longer than the indicated 3 min); you can also do the frozen plate test too to check the set.
Beth100 June 23, 2013
This looks delicious! Can you please clarify: is it one whole cardamom pod, or one whole cardamom seed, from inside the pod? Three tablelspoons of liquid seems such a tiny amount to infuse a whole pod into. Thanks!
golddeer March 17, 2014
I used three whole pods and it was fine. I think if you use the seeds it will be more strongly cardamom flavored.
Horto May 27, 2014
the pods have a husk on them and the seeds are inside
i'm confused
three little from inside?
Do you think I could put into jars and water process for a longer shelf life?
golddeer March 17, 2014
I did 5 min in a water bath to preserve the jars, but whatever you usually do for your strawberry jams will work fine!
Horto May 27, 2014
so this has the correct ph factor for canning, up to a year in the jar?
golddeer June 3, 2014
Yes, the recipe as written is safe to can (process in a water bath for 10 min). Strawberries are a low pH fruit; plus the added vinegar and sugar make this recipe suitable for canning.